호랑이 꿈해몽 Lion and tiger dreams. Good dream, bad dream, dream interpretation

호랑이 꿈해몽It is a dream to gain property and social status. If a virgin has this dream, she will meet a spouse of wealth, and if a pregnant woman has this dream, she will give birth to a healthy child.
It’s a good dream. Students who pass the exam or civil service examinations will pass the exam with honors, those who run for elections will be elected, and if they are businessmen, a large-scale business will be completed.
You will achieve great success or be promoted in your company and leave a great mark.
If you are working on something, the best luck will come to you. 
You will overcome the hardships or difficulties you are currently facing.
ascend to a high position.
A pregnant woman dreams of giving birth to a healthy child, giving birth to a child with wealth. However, if the lioness is angry, bad things can happen.
The family becomes harmonious and peaceful.
Your name will be widely known in the world with a good reputation.
You get sick or you become enemies with a strong person.
If you are pursuing something, you will encounter difficulties.
Difficulties may come one after another.
In general, bad things happen, such as loss of rights or business failure.
Bad things happen.

If you are an office worker, you can get a promotion and move house as a result of your efforts. If it is a fetal dream, great offspring will be born.
Receive help from those in power or public organizations.
You will achieve outstanding results by leading people or accomplishing big things.
If it is a fetal dream, you will give birth to a boy. A businessman starts a new business.
Get help from others and proceed smoothly with your plans.
The work you are doing or the project you are pursuing will bear fruit and achieve great results.
Because you have good collaborators, difficult and difficult tasks progress smoothly.
With excellent leadership, you become powerful and gain a lot of wealth.
Start small and gradually prosper to achieve great success.
Something you are working on or planning to do will run into difficulties.
In general, bad things happen, such as loss of rights or business failure.
He gets into a major accident and barely survives.
There is a risk of losing someone very precious.
A friend or acquaintance begins to treat you as an enemy, or a big fight breaks out.
Because you are hated by others, something unpleasant happens or something unfortunate like death happens. If it is a fetal dream, you will give birth to a very precious child.
You suffer psychological pain from others.
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