호시노 루비 [Ruby] BARBARITIES Baberitis – BL Webtoon – Ridi

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BL webtoon
Web toon

5 points 1 person participated

Written and illustrated by Tsuta Suzuki

Published by Hyundai Intelligence Development Co., Ltd.

A total of 28 episodes completed
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<[Ruby] BARBARITIES Baberitis> ※ This book is the same as the e-book (book), and has been updated in serial form (divided into episodes). Please be careful about duplicate purchases.

A story from a long, long time ago, in a distant, foreign country.
Viscount Adam was appointed as a bodyguard as a response to the threat sent to the Minister of Justice, the nation’s treasure.
However, this Viscount is an incredibly handsome man who makes prisoners of all ages and genders.
The great incident in which the handsome man feels true love for the upright Joel, the nephew of the Minister of Justice… ?!

A hot foreign romance that focuses on the anxious love tug-of-war between two opposite people and adds the exciting aspects of the next king of another country and his subjects has finally appeared!!

ⓒ Tsuta Suzuki 2015.
Originally Published in Japan in 2015 by Libre Publishing Co.,Ltd.
On-line transmission rights for Korean Language Version authorized by Libre Inc.

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4.7 points1,411 people participated
5.0 points1 person participated
4.8 points360 people participated
4.4 points102 people participated
4.6 points382 people participated


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[Ruby] BARBARITIES Baberitis
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