혼인관계증명서 인터넷 발급 Internet issuance of marriage certificate

How to issue a marriage certificate online

hello! This is good information. Hope you enjoy a Merry Christmas. If you use the Supreme Court’s electronic family relation registration system, which started service on January 15 this year, you can obtain 13 types of certificates for free, including family relation certificate, marital relation certificate, adoption relation certificate, foster child adoption relation certificate, basic certificate, expulsion copy, and expulsion certificate. It can be issued by Today, we will learn how to issue a marriage certificate online.


혼인관계증명서 인터넷 발급




To proceed with the Internet issuance of the marriage certificate, access the Supreme Court’s electronic family relation registration system site and proceed after authenticating yourself with a public certificate. Issuance of family relation register -> marriage certificate -> name, resident registration number -> consent to terms and conditions -> privacy policy -> inquiry -> public certificate 혼인관계증명서 인터넷 발급










Internet issuance of marriage certificate 좋은뉴스 







As the final stage of issuing the marriage certificate online, you can browse the family relation register/enter the issuance target information, select and press issuance request. It can be issued with a connected printer.




Internet issuance of a marriage certificate You can get a certificate issued free of charge 24 hours a day, 365 days a year using the Supreme Court’s electronic family relationship registration system. When you need a marriage certificate, please use the above simple Internet issuance method to conveniently obtain it.