휴대폰 요금 미납 및 정지 ,해제조건, 납부방법 Non-payment and suspension of mobile phone bills, cancellation conditions, payment methods

A credit delinquent with long-term cell phone bill overdue, will I become a credit delinquent if I continue to fail to pay my cell phone bill?
휴대폰 요금 미납

This article is for those who are worried about becoming a credit delinquent due to long-term cell phone bill overdue. I will tell you what kind of disadvantages there will be if you overdue your cell phone bill for a long time, so please take two minutes to read this article to the end.

휴대폰 요금 미납

Long-term cell phone bill overdue credit delinquents
What if the communication bill is overdue for 4-5 months and paid all at once?
What if the communication fee is overdue for more than 1-2 years?
What if I don’t keep paying?
What if you become a credit delinquent due to long-term cell phone bill overdue?
How to pay back if you have no money
Mobile phone-Bill-Long-term delinquency-Credit delinquent

In case the communication fee is overdue for 4~5 months and paid all at once
In the case of mobile phone bills, if you are terminated ex officio and your details are not transferred to a credit information agency as a communication delinquent, you will not become a credit delinquent.


What is direct termination? : Simply put, making a cell phone unusable


However, if the cell phone bill is overdue for more than 3 months, the overdue information is passed on to the telecommunications company and financial institution (bank), which may cause problems in future financial transactions and cell phone subscriptions.


What if the communication fee is overdue for more than 1-2 years?
If you are overdue on your telecommunication bill for more than 1-2 years, the telecommunication company may hand over the authority to the ‘collection company’ and call you as a demander.


In fact, my friend also received a notice of seizure of property, such as dunning calls and seizure of bankbooks, for continuing to not pay cell phone bills of more than 2 million won.


If you do not pay the telecommunication fee within the deadline, you are actually notified that you may become a credit delinquent because your ‘credit information’, that is, your credit score will continue to decrease.


The only solution to the problem was to ‘pay the fee’.


What if I don’t keep paying?
As mentioned earlier, you are subject to ‘seizure of your bankbook’ and ‘debt collection’, and it may interfere with your banking transactions. There are also problems when you take out a loan later.


What if you become a credit delinquent due to long-term cell phone bill overdue?
Even if you become a credit delinquent and pay all the bills, it is said that it will be used as credit evaluation data for 1 year for short-term overdue and 5 years for long-term overdue.


In conclusion, it will be viewed that you have not paid telecommunications fees for a long time, and you will not be able to use 1~2 financial sector loans. (In the worst case, you must use 3 financial sector loans)

How to pay back if you have no money

The best thing is to receive and pay emergency loans from 1 to 3 financial institutions, but literally use the loan. What if your personal economic situation is bad and you are in danger of becoming a credit delinquent due to long-term overdue cell phone bills?


If possible, please visit a ‘personal rehabilitation and bankruptcy’ expert for consultation. Of course, at this time, we recommend that you receive a free consultation (since the financial situation is not good), and ask how to solve the problem in the current situation.


Thank you for reading a long article about long-term overdue cell phone bill credit delinquents. I hope that your problems will be resolved well.