국가 자격증 종류 National Qualification Type

When you reach middle age, the worries of old age take precedence. Even if you are middle-aged, you are in your 40s and 50s, and if you lose your job, you will have a lot of worries as the head of the household who will be responsible for the livelihood of your family. On the employment portal site Worknet, the number of companies that want certification holders is increasing, and we will talk about 10 types of national certifications that need to be prepared in line with the recent trend of the times.

국가 자격증 종류

10 types of national qualifications for re-employment for middle-aged adults 국가 자격증 종류

10 types of national qualifications that help re-employment revealed on Worknet 좋은뉴스 
1st. forklift driver
2nd place. architectural engineer
3rd place. Korean food cooking skill
4th place. Electrician, 6th Electrical Industrial Engineer, 7th. electrician
5th place. civil engineer
8th place. Job Counselor Level 2
9th. welding technician
10th place. information processing engineer
What is the course evaluation type qualification system?
10 types of national qualifications that help re-employment revealed on Worknet



1st. forklift driver
Forklift driver technician is a test conducted by the Human Resources Development Service of Korea, and if you pass, you will be recognized as a forklift driver technician. There are no restrictions on eligibility for admission, and you must pass both the written and practical tests.

It is possible to pass the written and practical test with a score of 60 out of 100, and since the test is conducted more than once a month, it is easy to take the test again even if you fail, so many people are acquiring the national certification.

As the number of courier services has increased in line with the recent COVID-19 and the trend of the times, and logistics and delivery-related jobs are emerging, many companies are hiring people with forklift driver skills.

The salary and annual salary of a forklift driver technician is different for each region and company, but on average, it is set at around 2.5 to 4 million won with an average monthly salary of 50,000 to 100,000 won per hour.


2nd place. architectural engineer
The work of an architect engineer is to manage and supervise construction work, provide technical advice on structural design and other construction, determine the necessary conditions for the construction form and design in consultation with the building client, and provide professional advice on materials, auxiliary facilities, and construction costs. Responsible for an advisory role.

Consultation with customers determines the function and spatial conditions of the building, designing the size and functional layout of the building in a unified manner, drawing up and drafting design drawings and distributing them to workers, and determining whether the work progress is consistent with the design. Responsible for carrying out supervisory duties.

Qualifications for architectural engineers are classified into those with at least 4 years of practical experience, graduates of civil engineering departments, and those with technical qualifications.

The average annual salary is about 35 million won, even for newcomers.


3rd place. Korean food cooking skill
In the case of Korean food cooking skills, most of the cases are required by public organizations or hospitals, schools, national daycare centers, etc., for a large number of people, rather than general restaurants or franchise restaurants. In particular, if you are seeking a stable job, we recommend that you acquire a Korean Cuisine Master’s Degree. There are no restrictions on qualifications for taking the exam, so most high school students can acquire it, and in the case of women, it is also the most obtained national qualification as of 2016.

The average monthly salary was tallied at 1.86 million won.

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4th place. Electrician, 6th Electrical Industrial Engineer, 7th Electrical Technician
In the case of electricians and electric industrial engineers, the qualifications for taking the exam are given after obtaining the electrician certificate. There are many differences in salary or annual salary depending on the field of employment, but in general, the monthly salary is set at around 2.2 million won for new recruits.

There are no restrictions on the qualifications for the electric technician exam, but in the case of the electric industrial engineer, those who have been working in the same job field for more than one year after acquiring the electric technician license meet the qualification requirements for the electric industrial engineer exam.

Qualification to take the electrician exam is only available to those who have been engaged in practical work for more than one year in the same job field after passing the electric industrial engineer test.

The main duties of an electrician include the design, production, and management of electrical machinery, calculations and data utilization to calculate the specifications, sizes, and capacities of all equipment constituting electrical equipment, design of electrical equipment, and drafting of drawings and specifications. , inspection and maintenance, test operation, operation management, etc., and perform duties as a person in charge of electrical safety management.

In addition, it is also responsible for construction and supervision of construction, management of manufacturing processes, maintenance of power generation, power plant and substation facilities, and security management of other electrical facilities.

5th place. civil engineer
As a civil engineer is also an engineer’s license, it is a qualification with limitations on the qualifications for taking the test. More than 4 years of practical experience, major in related department, technician’s license + 3 years of practical experience, industrial engineer’s license + 1 year of practical experience, etc.

The main tasks include research, planning, design, construction, supervision, maintenance and repair of civil engineering projects such as roads, airports, ports, railroads, coasts, tunnels, rivers, bridges, etc. Responsible for design and construction tasks such as review, process table, user materials, drawings and completion inspection, and conducts bidding-related tasks, cost analysis tasks, public affairs tasks, and construction impression tasks.

After obtaining a license as a civil engineer, the average monthly salary for doing related work was tallied at around 3 million won.

Human Resources Development Service of Korea Go to Q-Net

8th place. Job Counselor Level 2
There are no restrictions on qualifications for career counselors whose main job is to arrange jobs and connect them to employment. However, there are restrictions on the qualifications for taking the test for Level 1. It is a job that enables the efficient use of national human resources to improve national competitiveness and potential growth rate, and aims to nurture related professionals.

Vocational Counselor Level 2 can also be qualified in the *Course Evaluation Type.

Its main duties include counseling, job introduction, implementation and interpretation of job-related tests, development and operation of job guidance programs, and administrative tasks. It also conducts aptitude tests and interest tests for job seekers or unemployed people to find jobs that suit job seekers and provide information. It plays a role of professionally helping with job provision and job search activities.

We also participate in vocational guidance programs for youth, women, middle-aged and elderly people, and the unemployed.

As experts in related fields, there are career coaches, headhunters, employment support officers, and counseling experts.



9th. welding technician
Welding technicians use a welding machine, which is a tool for manufacturing various machines, metal structures, pressure vessels, etc., to operate various welding equipment and devices using electricity, gas, etc. to weld, press-weld, and solder with materials such as metal and non-metal. Doing the job of doing the job.

From 2016, it has become possible to acquire welding technician qualifications in the *course evaluation type in addition to the national examination method (written and practical).

The average monthly salary of a welding technician is estimated at 1.8 million won, but places such as shipyards can receive high salaries, and in the case of starting a business, it is evaluated as a promising job as a job that pays as much as you work.

10th place. information processing engineer
Information processing engineer is a qualification with restrictions on qualifications for taking the test, and must meet the qualifications such as 4 years or more of practical experience or a major in a related department, information processing technician + 3 years of practical experience, or information processing industrial engineer + 1 year or more of practical experience.

In the case of an information processing engineer, it is a qualification that is mutually recognized with software design engineers in each country by signing an MOU with Japan, China, and Vietnam.

After acquiring an information processing engineer, you can get a job in a variety of places, such as corporate computer rooms, software development companies, SI companies, government agencies, media organizations, and financial institutions.

In addition, in accordance with the National Skills Qualification Act, you can receive preferential treatment in terms of remuneration, promotion, transfer, and identity guarantee for public institutions and general companies.

The starting salary is set at around 1.9 million won per month.


What is the course evaluation type qualification system?
Course evaluation type qualification is a system that grants national technical qualifications to those who faithfully complete education and training courses that meet certain requirements based on the national job competency standard, NCS, through internal and external evaluation and meet certain passing standards. I mean.