화물운송자격증 시험 문제 Freight transport license test questions

Today, I will tell you about the cargo transport license. A cargo transportation license is a license issued by the Korea Transportation Safety Authority to verify the qualifications required to drive a truck. Here, commercial trucks refer to trucks for the purpose of paid transportation, trucks equipped with yellow license plates for business use (less than 1 ton), individual (more than 1 ton to less than 5 tons), and general cargo (more than 5 tons) vehicles.

화물운송자격증 시험 문제




Cargo Transport Qualification Test 화물운송자격증 시험 문제

The test subjects consist of 25 questions of traffic and cargo-related laws, 15 questions of cargo handling tips, 25 questions of safe driving, and 15 questions of transportation service, for a total of 80 questions. You can pass if you get a total of 60 points or more. There are a total of 80 questions, so if you get 48 or more correct, you pass. (There are no errors in each subject.) 좋은뉴스

The total duration of the exam is 80 minutes. Round 1 is from 9:20 to 10:40, Round 2 is from 11:00 to 12:20, Round 3 is from 14:00 to 15:20, Round 4 is from 16:00 to 17:20. The number of times the test is administered may vary depending on the test location, so you should check the test time at the test location where you are taking the test.





Qualifications and method of taking the cargo transportation license

You must be over 20 years of age with a Class 1 driver’s license or a Class 2 regular license. Driving experience must be at least 2 years for private vehicles and at least 1 year for business use, excluding periods of cancellation or suspension. In addition, you must be suitable for the driver aptitude test, which is a test that checks whether you have the basic physical functions necessary for driving. Finally, those who do not fall under the disqualifications of Article 9 of the Trucking Transport Business Act can take the cargo transport license test.

Exam registration can be done online or in person. When applying online, access https://lic.kotsa.or.kr/fre and submit. In-person registration can be conducted at 15 test centers nationwide. The examination fee is KRW 11,500. If you pass the exam by answering at least 48 of the 80 questions correctly, you must complete the legal training. It lasts for a total of 8 hours, and a separate guide is provided only to successful applicants, so you can receive training accordingly. In addition to the application fee, candidates who pass the exam must pay an additional 11,500 won training fee and 10,000 won certification training fee to receive a certificate.





Freight transport license issue

Since the freight forwarding certification exam is conducted in the form of a question bank, the exam questions are not disclosed. However, for your convenience, we will tell you how to view past freight forwarding license questions and show you sample questions. Please download and use the following attachment as a reference material for the cargo transportation qualification test.

Cargo Guidebook.zip

You can easily check the expected test questions through the app as shown below. If you search for and download the [Cargo Transportation] application on your mobile phone, you can easily check the expected questions and answers for the four subjects of law, cargo, safety, and transportation. Since the test is presented in the form of a question bank, the best way to pass the test is to get in touch with as many questions as possible and take the test.