내일배움카드로 배울수 있는것 What you can learn with tomorrow’s learning card

What you can learn with tomorrow’s learning card
Hello Hasten. Last time, I talked about the qualifications and methods for applying for the Tomorrow Learning Card. This time, I will introduce what you can learn with the Tomorrow Learning Card.


If you wanted to find out what kind of education you can receive through government support and what kind of academies are around you, please try to find academies through the site introduced here. Reviews of each training and curriculum are all provided. 내일배움카드로 배울수 있는것


내일배움카드로 배울수 있는것

What you can learn with tomorrow’s learning card 좋은뉴스 


What you can learn with tomorrow’s learning card

How to search school




Honey tip → Eligibility to apply for Naeil Baeum Card: Issuance method and reviews



Find tomorrow’s learning card academy
If you haven’t applied for tomorrow’s learning card yet, please refer to the article I wrote last time. And if you want to find a school, you can use this site. In HRD-NET, you can find academies related to government support.


Ministry of Employment and Labor



If you have entered the Vocational Competency Knowledge Portal of the Ministry of Employment and Labor, please select the detailed search for training in the job seeker section.


Find tomorrow’s learning card academy


If you have found out about the academy in advance, you can directly enter the institution to know the detailed curriculum and reviews, but if you have not yet found it, it is better to enter only the region to find it. If you look up like this, you can figure out what you can learn with tomorrow’s learning card at once.


Inquiry on government-sponsored academies


If there is a field you want to learn in particular, you can select it from NCS job. There are a variety of fields, from engineering to culinary.


NCS duties


If you do a search like this, you can check the academy that is currently conducting the training. The training cost shown here is part of the government subsidized anyway. If it is not full support, be sure to check the out-of-pocket amount.



Academy inquiry


In addition, you can know the recruitment quota and the average wage of the place of employment, how many days the training lasts, and brief information about the related qualifications. If you want to know more detailed information, you can select View related information.


Tomorrow Learning Card Training Course


Here you can find the exact location and contact information of the person in charge, and you can check the class schedule and instructor description. However, as I actually enrolled in the academy, I felt that the curriculum was a little different from the experience, so please refer to it.


Tomorrow’s Learning Card Curriculum


And finally, you can check out the reviews of the training here. Even if it is the same education, depending on the instructor and the academy, the contents are slightly different, so it is good to look for these parts carefully.


Course Reviews


I’ve summarized what I can learn with the tomorrow’s learning card. There were mainly engineering or computer related fields, and it was found that there were relatively few other types of academies. Depending on what I want to learn, I may have to move a little further, so please refer to it, and if you have any additional questions, please let me know in the comments. It was Hasten, the fairy. thank you