베라핏 다이어트 가격 총정리 VeraFit Diet Price Summary

Vera Fit Diet Price Discount Event
베라핏 다이어트 가격
Let’s find out about the price of Verafit Diet. We will also introduce a product about the body fat reduction diet Verafit, which is famous on social media.

베라핏 다이어트 가격
Vera Fit exclusive model Oh Nara
VeraFit Diet Price
Since the price of VeraFit Diet is not disclosed as a regular price, I think there are many people who are curious. Verafit informs you of the price after going through a phone consultation with a professional counselor. Consultation is free, so you can ask questions about your health and diet. There are also generous benefits provided by Verafit, so it would be better to consult directly.


Vera Fit Event
Vera Fit Event
For example, during the event, there may be a 2+1 benefit that gives you an additional month’s supply when you purchase 2 months’ supply. In addition, it is said that Veratix Lactobacillus and Terra Profit protein are also given. The price of Verafit Diet is about 400,000 won per month as a result of reviewing reviews. If you purchase during an event or event period, you can get a discount and a gift, so you can buy it at a better price. The exact price is only provided through consultation, so if you are interested, please apply for consultation through the Verafit Diet website.


Dieting is difficult to do alone unless you have a really strong will. One of the advantages of Verafit is that Verafit’s 1:1 diet consultant is responsible from beginning to end. It is not simply the end of sale, but it is said that it will be managed after purchase as much as it has been studied and analyzed for a long time. From pre-purchase consultation to analyzing body type and eating habits, establishing a plan that meets your needs and continuing to post-purchase management.

VeraFit Diet Ingredients

Outer leaf, red yeast rice
Dole leaves (left), red yeast rice (right)
single leaf
Dole leaves are also called Chil-yeopdam, vine grass, and vine tea. As an ingredient that can help reduce body fat, its functionality has been recognized by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety. It is known to have an excellent effect on decomposing body fat because it catches fat bacteria in the intestines with the ‘AMPK enzyme’ of doloe leaves.

red yeast rice
Red yeast rice is red rice, and monacolin K (red yeast rice) secreted during the fermentation process helps to improve blood cholesterol. It prevents cholesterol accumulation and is effective in reducing body fat.

supplementary material
Verafit Sub-Ingredients
Verafit Sub-Ingredients
Verafit contains various supplementary ingredients and pursues a healthy diet.


Seaweed calcium, beetroot extract powder, sweet pumpkin extract powder, dermal extract powder, radish root extract powder, cabbage extract powder, 15 kinds of organic fruit and vegetable mixed powder, prunes concentrated powder, L-carnitine tartrate salt, centella asiatica extract powder, psyllium husk dietary fiber

How to eat Verafit
How to eat Verafit
How to eat Verafit
Verafit can be taken twice a day, before or after meals. It is a tablet type that is easy to swallow with a compact size. You can take it with water.


You can usually think of dieting as starving. Verafit is not a diet while starving, but you can diet while eating two delicious meals a day.

VeraFit Diet Advertisement Video
This is an advertisement video featuring actress Oh Na-ra, the exclusive model of Vera Fit.


Oh Nara’s healthy choice, Vera Fit Diet!
The most beautiful body in my life is from now on

You know what? You have it too, best line!

Source: YouTube Channel Vera Fit BESTLINEFIT

Verafit Diet Manufacturer
Korea CNS Pharm Co., Ltd.
Korea CNS Pharm Co., Ltd.
The company that made Vera Fit Diet is Korea C&S Pharm Co., Ltd. It is a domestic TOP GMP excellent manufacturer. Verafit is a healthy diet food that can be safely eaten as it is a health functional food that has been recognized for its diet functionality by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety and has passed the item manufacturing report permit.


C&S Pharm Korea Co., Ltd. manufactures Verafit with 18 years of know-how, and won the 2019 Korea Customer Satisfaction Index, 2020 Customer Trusted Brand Award, and 2021 Korea Consumer Satisfaction Grand Prize. Verafit, which is chosen by consumers, is highly evaluated for its quality as an excellent product that secures safety and functionality.

Closing remarks
I learned about the price and ingredients of Verafit Diet. For those who want to eat deliciously and have a healthy diet, we recommend Verafit, a health functional food approved by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety, whose diet effect has been verified. Consultation is free, so if you are interested, please apply for consultation through the Verafit Diet website.