아이클타임 가격 및 후기, 효능 알아보기 Ick Time price, reviews, and efficacy information

Idle time price effect latter period height growth nutritional supplement
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hello. Today, I’m going to talk about one of the concerns of parents, iCultim, a height growth nutritional product that helps children grow taller. In this article, we will look at the price, effect, reviews, and how to take Icletime.

There are a lot of people who are curious about the price of ice time. As a prospective parent, I want my child to grow taller, so I think many parents, including me, are looking for nutritional supplements for height growth.

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So, in this article, we will take the time to find out more about the price, reviews, and ingredients of Icletime.

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What is Ice Time?
Idle Time Efficacy and Ingredients
How to take ice time
Idle Time Reviews
ice time price
What is Ice Time?
ice time price

Icletime is a product manufactured and sold by Dodream, a health functional food company. Do Dream was founded in 2011, and its representative products include Calocut, Icle Time, Brain S, Repierra, and Ellagen.

As of March 22, 650,000 parents bought it and boasts a high repurchase rate of 82%. Singer Jang Dong-won and actor Kim Nam-joo are active as promotional models.

Idle Time Efficacy and Ingredients
Idle Time Efficacy

Icktime is said to contain HT042 (complex such as astragalus extract). A research team at Kyung Hee University had children between the ages of 7 and 12 consume HT042 (compounds such as astragalus extract) for 12 weeks and found that their height growth was higher than that of non-intake groups.

Thanks to this, it was recognized for its functionality and stability for children’s height growth for the first time in Korea. I think it’s worth buying for those who are worried that our children will also be short because their parents are short.

It contains not only HT042 (astragalus extract, etc.) but also 6-year-old red ginseng. Red ginseng contains powerful antioxidants and is known to boost immunity, improve memory, and relieve fatigue.

In addition to this, various vitamins, pantothenic acid, folic acid, zinc, calcium, and other ingredients that help height growth are evenly contained, so we can get help for our children’s height growth.

How to take ice time
The method of taking ice time is simple. Because it is a refreshing blueberry flavor that children like, anyone can consume it without liking or disliking it. It’s delicious even if you eat it frozen like jjayo jjayo, so it’s perfect as a snack for children. It has the advantage that it does not need to be mixed with milk or yogurt water.


It is recommended to consume it for more than one year from infants to elementary and middle school students, which is the most important period for height growth.

Idle Time Reviews
When purchasing a product, it is also a good idea to read the reviews and make sure that it works. When I buy nutritional supplements, I read a lot of reviews.

“I think my son and I are a good fit. I’ve been eating it for about a year, and since I took it while jumping rope, it’s big enough to be noticed by people around me.”

“I have been feeding them since last year and I am satisfied. He was a very short kid, but he eats well and seems to be about 8 cm taller.”

“I have seen a lot of effects, but I eat better than before taking it, and my unbalanced diet is reduced, so I sleep well. You’re tall, but you feel like you’re getting healthier?”

“My nephew was skinny too, but I’ve been feeding him for two years now and he’s gotten plump. He’s still short, but he’s grown a lot.”

There are many articles that say that I took ice time and saw a lot of effects like this. However, on the contrary, there are some people who have not seen the effect, so please refer to it.

ice time price
Icletime cannot be purchased at Internet shopping malls, but is sold through consultation and application with experts. I think it’s because I thought it would be more trustworthy if I consulted with an expert before purchasing it.

As much as that, the price of ice time is not exposed to the outside. Still, I was able to find it through cafes and social media.

It is said that 6 months of ice time is 1.6 million expeditions and 2.9 million expeditions for 1 year. Please note that if you purchase a year’s supply, you will receive one month’s worth for free.