생활정보 알림서비스 How to apply for the national secretary notification service homepage and detailed review – I am trying to know

생활정보 알림서비스The Ministry of Public Administration and Security provides a total of 9 life information notification services as of the posting date (2021.09.01) using apps such as Naver, Kakao Talk, and Toss to provide the ‘National Secretary Notification Service’.

How to apply for the national secretary notification service website

In particular, I thought that I should apply for the disaster subsidy (corona win-win national subsidy) at the point of providing a notification service.

Even if you don’t personally look for it or remember it, if you let me know on the day, you can feel like you have a secretary. Then, from now on, we will tell you how to apply for the ‘National Secretary Notification Service’ and review in detail.

Click on the title of the LIST (table of contents) below to move to the relevant content ^^*
Access the ‘National Secretary Notification Service’ homepage. (Go to)

This homepage provides life information notification service and administrative information consultation service. Click Simple Authentication Login.

National secretary notification service

(If you have a joint certificate, you can use the ‘Co-certificate login’ on the right. I used the simple authentication method. I will explain it again below.)

There are a total of 5 simple authentication methods.

I tried simple authentication by selecting the KakaoTalk app that I use a lot.

National secretary notification service

Enter your name, date of birth, and mobile phone number, click the Agree button, and then click the blue button ‘Authentication Request’. In the case of KakaoTalk App, Kakao Wallet is used, and you go through the steps of confirming the name of the depositor by sending 1 won to your account with your personal authentication password and secondary verification.

Click to agree to all terms and conditions.

National secretary notification service

This is the last step. Select the app you want to receive.

You can choose the app you use most often. If you have difficulty using your cell phone, you can receive it by text message ^^. (Parents are encouraged to apply as well.)

National secretary notification service

Select the notification service type. It is largely divided into welfare, education, transportation, and health. These are notifications that are close to life, so I clicked and applied for all of them. According to the article, it will offer 30 services by the end of this year. There should have been a notification service like this a long time ago… I think it’s good to be notified at once.

Please note that the notification service is reflected from the next day after setting. Finally, click the apply button and you are done.^^

You can apply on the homepage like this, or you can apply directly on Naver, KakaoTalk, and Toss apps. Personally, I don’t think there will be any difficulty in agreeing to apply directly from the app you mainly use. Please refer to the article below.
▶ Summary of how to apply for public secretary notification service (Naver, KakaoTalk, Toss)
Summary of how to apply for public secretary notification service (Naver, KakaoTalk, Toss)
How to apply for public secretary notification service (Naver, KakaoTalk, Toss) The ‘National Secretary Notification Service’ is a public service supervised by the Ministry of Public Administration and Security that sends important notifications in various fields such as disaster subsidy to Naver App, Kakao, Toss, etc.

How to apply for Naver National Secretary and detailed review
Naver National Secretary application method and detailed review If you are a frequent user of Naver, please apply for the ‘National Secretary Notification Service’ in the Naver App and receive the notification service you need.
KakaoTalk National Subsidy National Secretary Notification Application Method (Guppi)
Kakao Talk Public Support Fund Public Secretary Notification How to apply (Guppi) From September 6, 2021, the application for the Corona Win-Win National Support Fund will begin. (KRW 250,000 per person) KakaoTalk can check whether or not the national subsidy is paid or the date of application.
How to apply for Toss national subsidy national secretary and review of winning the event
Toss National Support Fund National Secretary application method and detailed review (event raffle review) From September 6, 2021, we will start applying for the payment of Corona Sangsaeng National Support Fund (250,000 won per person). If you are a Toss app user, in the Toss app

생활정보 알림서비스

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