갤럭시 워치 충전기 없을때 A place to sell when there is no Apple Watch charger, is it compatible with the Daiso Galaxy Watch?! : Naver Blog

갤럭시 워치 충전기 없을때2023. 7. 3. 12:00

“I use my Apple Watch, but I don’t have a charger.” It’s pretty embarrassing. In this post, we will look at practical ways to do it in such a situation. Let’s find out where to buy it and find out if it’s compatible with Daiso purchase and Galaxy Watch.

Daiso or Galaxy Watch compatible?!
In conclusion, both are impossible. As of July 2023, Daiso does not sell chargers exclusively for Apple Watch. It is also not compatible with the Galaxy Watch. Because the charging method is different, they cannot be used together by pushing each other.

For reference, Daiso sells the following products under the name of the holder. Actually, I thought it had a charging function, so I was happy to buy it, but it was just for mounting. You have to purchase and install a charger separately.

No Apple Watch charger
If so, what should I do? The three methods below are the best. I also looked for a way to solve it without purchasing, but there was none. In the end, you have to find a place that sells it and buy it. If you need to buy it, it is best to arrange it in the fastest way.

Utilizing Low Power Mode
Buy a charger at Carrot Market
Get a spare battery or adapter

First of all, let’s use low power mode to get the most out of it. Raise the bottom of the Apple Watch and press the ‘Battery Remaining Display’ button.

Then, enable ‘Low Power Mode’ and you’re done. Even if you do this, the life span will increase by more than 1.5 times. Let’s do this for now until we buy a charger.

Next you need to buy a charger. If you try to buy a genuine product, it is over 40,000 won, which is more expensive than you think. In this case, it is recommended to use Carrot Market. iPhone, AirPods, and Apple Watch 3 in 1 products must be quite a lot on the cheap price.

You can buy the cheapest one among the ones listed. The advantage of carrot market is that you can trade right nearby, so let’s make use of it. I think that method is the best.

If you want to use it comfortably in the future, we recommend purchasing a type-C adapter or auxiliary battery. In particular, the auxiliary battery that can charge not only iPhone and AirPods but also Apple Watch is quite useful. Examples include the following products.

In the case of the author, I received it as a sponsor and use it, and I put it on my desk and use it conveniently in everyday life as well as when I travel. Buying a genuine Apple Watch charger for 40,000 won is much better than purchasing the product at a similar cost.

Below is a post I wrote in the past, but if you refer to it, you will be able to accurately check product information and features. I’ve organized everything from Galaxy Watch compatibility to where to sell it. Hope this is a good solution!

There must be many users of Apple products who think, “Isn’t there a power bank that can charge the Apple Watch?” Usual…

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