경동택배 접수방법 Kyungdong Parcel Delivery

경동택배 접수방법Kyungdong Courier is a courier that can deliver any size, including light and heavy parcels, and even handles rice and kimchi, which ordinary couriers are reluctant to deliver. Let’s learn more about reservations, reception, and on-site collection of Kyungdong Express, which has 1,075 sales offices nationwide.

Let’s take a look at the cargo size classification standards of Kyungdong Express.

Width (cm) x Length (cm) x Height (cm) = less than 20,000 cm3 and weight less than 5 kg.

Width (cm) x Length (cm) x Height (cm) = 50,000cm3 ~ 2,00,000cm3, and the basic fare is applied to medium-sized or large-sized cargo from 5kg to 10kg or less.

Width (cm) x Length (cm) x Height (cm) = If the volume exceeds 120,000 cm3 or exceeds 20 kg.

– The higher of volume freight and weight freight is applied.

– In the case of island areas, island area fares are separately applied.

– A 100 won compensation reserve is applied, which is an additional payment of 100 won per item regardless of the value of the item, and is a system that reimburses up to 10 million won in case of damage.
In other words, it is a kind of insurance. The insurance premium is 100 won per case, and the benefit is up to 10 million won.

– Cargoes with a side length of more than 3m or that are fragile may be subject to a special handling freight charge. Also, please note that freight charges that require delivery by two or more people may be subject to a surcharge due to their weight.

– If you do not declare the value of the goods, you cannot ship the goods, and if you do not enter the exact value of the goods, compensation for damage and loss will be based on the value of the goods.

– The rate system is applied based on small, medium, and large standards, but when you actually receive a courier, there are places where the appropriate amount is applied after looking at the size of the cargo instead of applying the standard.

There are two ways to receive delivery. You can either visit the business office to receive and send it, or make a reservation at the business office and have a courier visit and collect it.

Visiting the sales office directly has the advantage of being able to ship immediately when you want, but there is the hassle of having to bring the delivery box yourself.

Picking up by a courier driver is very convenient as it requires no effort, but you have to make an appointment with the courier driver, and depending on the schedule, the collection day may take several days.

In addition, with the recent increase in courier volume, some offices refuse to pick up on site. In other words, depending on the situation of the business office, there are places where only direct reception is possible, and there are places where collection is also possible.

Some sales offices can only receive direct sales for one light box, and there are places that can accept visits for heavy or multiple quantities.

You can check Gyeongdong Parcel Service offices on the Kyung Dong Parcel Service website.
From the menu at the top of the main screen of the homepage, select ‘Sales Office Location’ from ‘Customer Support’ to find Gyeongdong Courier offices nationwide.

Business hours vary by office. Generally, they are open until late at night on weekdays, and must be received before 12:00 am on Saturdays.

Cash, phone cards, household checks, bills, gift certificates, single checks, credit cards, check cards, various contracts, registration certificates, applications for admission, passports, guns, artillery, dynamite, gunpowder, bombs, gold, silver, jewels, acids , disposable lighters, gas cylinders, gasoline, cyanide, art, antiques, and more. For details, please contact the sales office.

Kyungdong Express can ship to China and Vietnam, and inquiries about consignment can be made to the Kyungdong Express Overseas Business Department (1577-3877).

Tracking delivery is easy and convenient if you know the waybill number.
You can access the homepage and use ‘Delivery inquiry’ or contact the CS center at 1899-5368.

When an item is damaged, lost, deteriorated, contaminated, etc., immediately contact the delivery office and it will be processed after confirmation. The courier fee includes a damage handling fee of 100 won, so it is handled well without any problems. If you do not claim within 14 days from the date of receipt of the goods, damages will not be applied. Therefore, if you have confirmed damage, please report it as soon as possible.
So far, we have looked at how to make reservations and pick up by Kyungdong Courier.
TEL. 02.1234.5678 / Pangyoyeok-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do
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