t 전화 녹음 파일 Summary of how to check/view/play/delete/share phone call recording files

t 전화 녹음 파일2023.02.19 – [OS & IT Device/Android & iPhone] – How to set automatic call recording for Galaxy T phone
How to set automatic call recording for Galaxy T phone
Today, we will learn how to set up automatic call recording with T Phone, an application available for Android Galaxy mobile phones. With T phone, you can use automatic call recording very easily.
2022.12.26 – [OS & IT Device/Android & iPhone] – How to set automatic call recording on Galaxy mobile phone
How to set automatic call recording on Galaxy mobile phone
Galaxy smartphones support ‘call recording’ as a built-in function. When you receive or give instructions on business-important information, you must record a call for later confirmation. Call from Galaxy phone

After running T phone, click Settings at the bottom right of the app.
T phone call recording settings

In Call Recording Settings, click Call Recording List.
call recording list

The call recording list is sorted by date, and the recorded call time and total recorded time are displayed. Click the [Play] button on the right to play the recording immediately.

How to check call list playback screen and call recording text

▲ You can check the recorded voice by playing it directly from the call recording list. Also, although it will be posted later, you can also check the call recording as shown on the right through text by clicking on the name.

You can also delete the recorded call files. If you do not want to accumulate unnecessary capacity, you can use the phone lightly by deleting unnecessary call history.
In the call recording list, click ⁝  on the top right.
call list

As shown in the picture below, you can see the Delete Call Recording button. When you click the delete button,
call list_delete

Select the desired call recording file and delete it. I didn’t delete any of them and left it as it is, and 5400 cases are saved. It’s about 9 GB. I still have a lot of capacity left, so I think I’ll leave it as is.
call list_delete_select

Old recording files can be deleted at once on a monthly, 3-month, or 6-month basis.
Click on Storage Management

Files older than 1 month, files older than 3 months, and files older than 6 months can be classified and deleted. Deleted files cannot be recovered, so please delete them carefully.
How to delete old recordings

Enter the call recording setting screen on the T phone. If you’re not sure, see the screenshot above.
Click Call Recording List. Call recording files are displayed.
Click the More [ ⁝ ] button at the top right, which you pressed earlier when deleting files. Click the share audio file button.
How to share audio files

Select a recording file and click the Share button on the top right.

Select call recording

Now you can share your recordings to any platform you want. You can easily share files using SNS such as KakaoTalk, Message, Facebook, and Naver.
sharing apps

Today, we learned how to check, play, and delete unnecessary files through the T phone app. You can also share auto-recorded files with anyone you want. I hope this has been of great help to you.

Next time, we will look at the AI ​​call recording function. Long audio files can also be checked as text problems, so it has the advantage of being easy to read and understand. thank you See you next time.

t 전화 녹음 파일
