생리주기 빨라짐 Menstrual cycle becomes faster Summary of causes and solutions for irregular menstrual cycle

생리주기 빨라짐The love-hate period that women experience

A woman’s uterus periodically prepares for pregnancy by hormones. However, if pregnancy does not occur, the uterine lining, which has thickened in preparation for pregnancy, is shed for the next pregnancy, and the bleeding that occurs at this time is menstruation.

In general, the menstrual cycle usually lasts about 28 to 30 days. It may be a little shorter or a little later than this, but the normal menstrual cycle is 21 days at the shortest and 35 days at the longest.

When menstruation does not follow the normal cycle and comes earlier or later than the scheduled date, it is called menstrual irregularity. Menstrual irregularities include not only an accelerated menstrual cycle, but also menorrhagia with excessive bleeding, amenorrhea with no menstruation, frequent menstruation where the menstrual cycle repeats within 24 days, oligomenorrhea where the menstrual cycle extends to 35 to 40 days, and dysmenorrhea with severe menstrual pain. etc. are diverse.

Of course, the menstrual cycle sometimes changes depending on the individual’s lifestyle pattern, but if the menstrual cycle speeds up or slows down repeatedly, efforts are needed to find out the cause of the irregularity and find a solution. In particular, if this phenomenon repeats 2-3 times, you need to visit the hospital and receive a doctor’s diagnosis.

The most common reason for an accelerated menstrual cycle is frequent menstruation. This is a phenomenon in which the menstrual cycle is shortened to less than 24 days and bleeding occurs frequently.

It mainly occurs when there is a problem with female hormones and can also occur when there is inflammation or problems in the uterus-related organs. If you overlook this as a simple deterioration in condition and leave it as is, it may cause infertility in the future, so if you have symptoms, it is best to visit the hospital without delay.

Uterine fibroids and endometriosis are diseases that affect the menstrual cycle. These diseases often have no symptoms, but they can also manifest as symptoms such as extreme menstrual pain or excessive menstruation. If you experience symptoms that are different from before, such as worsening menstrual pain, increased bleeding, or longer menstrual periods, you need to suspect uterine fibroids or endometriosis. The disease can be confirmed through uterine ultrasound.

Another common disease that can cause an accelerated menstrual cycle is early menopause. Early menopause is when ovarian function declines at a faster time than others, and the menstrual cycle tends to become faster and the amount of menstruation decreases compared to before. Menopause, when ovarian function is completely lost and menstruation no longer occurs, generally occurs in the late 40s to early 50s. However, if any symptoms such as irregular menstruation, amenorrhea, or decreased menstrual flow appear at all in women in their 20s and 30s, early menopause should be suspected.

However, ovulation blood and implantation bleeding should not be misunderstood as abnormal menstruation. Even if there is no special abnormality in the body, bleeding may occur in the middle of the menstrual cycle, the most common examples being ovulation bleeding and implantation bleeding. Bleeding that may occur during the ovulation period of the menstrual cycle is ovulatory bleeding, which is shorter than menstruation (about 2 to 3 days) and is usually not large in amount.

The most basic thing is to strengthen the function of the ovaries. You need to boost your immunity and keep your uterus healthy through regular exercise and a balanced diet.

Also, it is good to raise your body temperature, and research shows that if your body temperature drops by 1 degree, your immunity decreases by about 10-15%. As body temperature rises, blood circulation becomes smoother and the thickness of the uterine lining is maintained appropriately. When the lining is shed during menstruation, it helps tissues escape, reducing menstrual pain and keeping the uterus healthier.

Therefore, people who suffer from symptoms such as menstrual irregularities such as an accelerated menstrual cycle, early menopause, polycystic ovary syndrome, cystitis, and amenorrhea are often advised to warm their lower abdomen.

Raising body temperature using a thermal bag helps relieve menstrual irregularity and menstrual pain.

If you are emotionally stressed or physically fatigued, the balance of the autonomic nervous system may be disrupted and the secretion of sex hormones from the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and ovaries may be disturbed, causing an accelerated menstrual cycle. Therefore, lowering stress and feeling comfortable will be the starting point for solving these problems.

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