무인카페 창업비용 Learn about the costs of starting an unmanned coffee shop

무인카페 창업비용Hello~ In this post, we will learn about the advantages and disadvantages of starting an unmanned coffee shop. With the shift to a non-face-to-face lifestyle after COVID-19, many people are interested in starting an unmanned coffee shop. Due to the introduction of the 52-hour workweek system in addition to the 5-day workweek system, I think the biggest concern for self-employed people is hiring employees, or labor costs. However, since labor costs account for a large portion of regular monthly expenses, we have no choice but to hire employees, so we keep an eye on the minimum wage increase rate announced every year.
The minimum wage in 2023 is 9,620 won, a 5% increase from 9,160 won in 2022, which is almost 10,000 won. People who run businesses 24 hours a day are bound to feel a great burden due to high labor costs.
24 hours

That is why small-capital, unmanned startups are in the spotlight. In the case of an unmanned business, there is no need to hire employees, and since all operations can be done remotely and unmanned, there is no need to experience the stress of hiring employees, raising salaries, or hiring insincere employees. This is because it is possible to realize profits after quickly recovering the principal by investing with minimal funds.

The advantages of starting an unmanned coffee shop include the following:

Disadvantages of starting an unmanned coffee shop may include the following:

Although there are many advantages to starting an unmanned coffee shop, the above disadvantages must also be considered.
As a nationwide distributor for unmanned coffee shops, we are opening about 1,000 franchises and individual coffee shops, providing optimized recipes for unmanned coffee machines, securing a nationwide direct after-sales service support department, sales analysis data for unmanned coffee shops, and cost analysis of a cup of coffee. We are opening many stores by accumulating various data and know-how.

The cost of starting an unmanned coffee shop can vary depending on many factors. In general, unmanned coffee shops are mostly operated by automated systems, so costs can be relatively low. However, the costs of starting an unmanned coffee shop may include the following:
When starting an unmanned coffee shop as a franchise, it varies depending on the brand, but it is possible at around 90 million won per 10 pyeong, but it can be done as an individual shop-in-shop.
If so, it can be done for less than 50 million won. The exact amount may vary depending on a variety of factors, including store square footage, structure, location, equipment and systems.

This is a business diagram for a franchise unmanned coffee shop. Please note that this is for reference purposes only, so there may be differences from the current date.
You can recognize it and see it.
In addition to proceeding with a franchise, additional costs will be incurred in addition to KRW 66,044,000 if demolition work, electrical expansion, floor construction, ceiling construction, tables, chairs, and firefighting equipment are included. We need to think about this here. If you are preparing to start an unmanned coffee shop with a small capital, you will invest a minimum amount of money and expect to generate profits through quick recovery of principal. However, if you open as a franchise, you will need to recover the principal for an additional period of 1 to 2 years. . Therefore, if you are a prospective store owner preparing to open an unmanned coffee shop, we recommend that you carefully consider which option is the best before opening one. No matter how little you invest to open a business, every penny is precious.
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