자리톡 월세환급 Jaritak monthly rent refund (2023 monthly rent refund system, 6-year refund method)

자리톡 월세환급future flow

Have you been wondering if there is a way to get even a little benefit from paying rent every month? I heard there is a way to get a monthly rent refund, but you don’t know how to do it so you didn’t apply? In this article, we will tell you about the monthly rent refund system where you can receive up to 1.3 million won back and how to easily apply for a refund through ZariTalk.

Apply for monthly rent refund

The monthly rent refund system is a system that provides tax benefits (tax deductions) when filing year-end tax settlement or comprehensive income tax, and allows you to receive a refund of 15% to 17% of the monthly rent payment, or up to a maximum of 1.3 million won per year.

Previously, 10% to 12% of the tax was deducted, but from 2023, 15% to 17% will be deducted depending on the total salary and comprehensive income above. In other words, you can deduct 15% or 17% of monthly rent paid up to 7.5 million won per year.

To be eligible for a monthly rent refund, you must meet the three criteria above (income standard, household standard, housing standard). First of all, you must be a worker whose total salary, not as a married couple, does not exceed 70 million won. (In the case of a married couple, if one of them earns less than 70 million won, only one of them is eligible.) Even if the income is less than 70 million won, if the comprehensive income exceeds 60 million won, it is excluded.

The head of a household without a home is eligible for a refund immediately, and if the head of the household is a household member, he or she is eligible if he or she has not received a deduction related to housing funds or a deduction for housing purchase savings. If the worker’s basic deduction is a party to a rental contract, a new deduction is also possible.

Refundable housing standards include not only apartments, single-family homes, multi-family homes, and townhouses, but also residential officetels, gosiwons, and studio apartments. However, this is possible only when the housing is the size of a national housing unit or when the standard market price is less than 300 million won.

There is a way to apply for the monthly rent tax credit directly at Home Tax, but as mentioned earlier, this method is complicated and is not recommended. Instead, you can apply very easily if you use a site or mobile app called JariTalk. I will explain in turn the documents to be submitted and how to apply.

Go to JariTalk refund application

If you want to receive a monthly rent payment statement through account transfer, you can get it from the transfer bank site. If you want to submit a cash receipt as proof of monthly rent payment, you can easily issue a cash receipt through Hometax without having to ask the landlord. You can receive it.

How to issue cash receipt home tax

The landlord’s consent is not required to apply for a monthly rent refund/tax credit. However, if you apply through ZariTalk, the landlord will be notified, so it is better if you mention it to the landlord in advance.

Go to JariTalk

Jaritak monthly rent refund

Jaritak monthly rent refund procedure

Jaritak monthly rent refund procedure

Jaritak monthly rent refund procedure

If you have not received a monthly rent refund until now, there is a way to receive a refund even if you have moved. This is how to request a correction at Home Tax. I will briefly explain the procedure.

Go to National Tax Service Hometax

National Tax Service Home Tax Monthly Rent Refund

National Tax Service home tax correction request

Jaritak monthly rent refund

Click here to apply for a monthly rent refund

Youth Monthly Rent Support 2023 Application Method and Documents
The city of Seoul is said to be accepting applications for youth monthly rent for 2023, which will support young people with monthly rent of up to 200,000 won for 10 months (total of 2 million won). 25,000 young people aged 19 to 39 will be selected, and applications will be accepted from May 3 to 16.
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Standard median income (2024 renewal, increase, standard table by salary, number of singers)
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