내용증명 작성방법 및 양식 다운로드 How to fill out the certification form and download the form

Today we will learn about how to fill out the proof of contents and how to download the form. There is no set rule on how to write a proof of contents. When dealing with debt or real estate transactions, you may need to send a proof of contents. Let’s take a look at that as well.

Proof of contents
As you go through life, there will be times when you will need to fill out a certificate of contents for reasons ranging from small to big, such as the expiration of a contract. Certification of contents is also one of the means that can have some legal effect before a legal dispute arises.

In this post, we have summarized how to write and send the proof of contents, and how to download the form.


Go to Step 9 (Internet Post Office Form) on how to write and send a certificate of contents

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내용증명 작성방법
Content certification form
Download the contract expiration notice content certification form (hwp, docx)_Rental deposit guarantee, lease deposit insurance link


1. What is proof of contents?
2. How to write proof of contents
3. How to send proof of contents
4. Content certification form (doc.hwp file)

1. What is content certification?
Content certification is mail in which the post office guarantees that the document was sent through the post office. It is a frequently used method to clearly express one’s opinion by later using it as evidence of the exact delivery and sending of the written content during legal disputes.

Usually, when a contract expires, many people send expiration notices with proof of contents to be more certain.

When an ordinary individual sends a proof of contents, it is usually used to request withdrawal of subscription within 14 days of the withdrawal period after purchasing a membership, study material, etc. through a telephone solicitation or signing a service contract.

It can also be used when you want to return items purchased through an internet shopping mall, mail order, or home shopping within the 7-day withdrawal period.

However, even if this is not the case, content certification is widely used in a variety of ways.

Since mail is sent through the post office, the contents and date of sending cannot be certified by the post office, so it is sometimes used for more public purposes. This can be used later to express intentions that have significant legal implications.

Content certification form
2. How to write proof of contents
There is no legal regulation on how to write a proof of contents. However, it would be good to refer to a similar form when filling it out.

You may find it helpful to use the form by downloading the attached file below.

For the proof of contents, the names and addresses of the sender and recipient are usually written first on A4 paper.

After that, write down the 6 principles (when, where, who, what, how) of what you want to send. Also, only use one side of A4 paper, not both sides.

It must also be stamped by the sender.

If there is anything you want to modify or delete, it is best to write it again, but if not, you must write it in white or add it and put the sender’s stamp next to it. This will reduce the possibility that it will be invalidated if it is later viewed as modified after being sent.

Enter the name and address of the sender and recipient
Main content written in accordance with the 6th rule (only one side of A4 paper used)
Sender’s stamp
When making corrections, place the sender’s seal next to the corrections.

3. How to send proof of contents
The certificate of contents is sent by visiting the post office.

Before visiting the post office, prepare three copies of the same content certification.

One copy is for the sender, one copy is for the recipient, and one copy is for storage at the post office. You may prepare a single copy.

Just put it in an envelope, leave it unsealed, and go to the post office to send it with a certificate of contents.

The certificate of contents will be sent by registered mail with official certification.


Content certification form
The proof of content sent in this way is stored at the post office for three years. During this period, if you prove your identity by presenting a special mail receipt or resident registration card to the post office, you can view the stored proof of content and request a copy.


4. Content certification form
If you are sending a proof of contents for the first time, it will be easier to send it if you fill it out by referring to the existing forms.


Content certification form
You can download the content certification form collection files below and refer to the necessary information. There are both word files and hwp files, so you can use them according to compatibility.