국공립 어린이집 호봉 How much will the No. 1 salary for a national and public childcare teacher be in 2022? (Main details of childcare business in 2022)

국공립 어린이집 호봉This posting refers to the Ministry of Health and Welfare’s “2022 Childcare Business Guide.” For more information, please refer to the Ministry of Health and Welfare website or the 2022 Childcare Teacher Labor Cost Support Unit Posting.

※ Ministry of Health and Welfare: 2022 Childcare Business Guide
※ 2022 childcare staff (childcare teacher) labor cost support unit price (salary table)

Starting from March of this year, in order for daycare centers to receive institutional childcare support, they must submit the salary details of childcare staff, including the director and homeroom teacher.
Institutional childcare fees increased by 8% compared to 2021, and in order to improve the treatment of infant and toddler teachers at private and home daycare centers in accordance with the increase in childcare fees, it was recommended that wages be paid above the first salary of childcare teachers at national and public daycare centers.

1st salary for childcare teachers in 2022

Starting in 2022, part-time childcare services will be expanded to include children of foreign nationality.
Foreign children can use the service by paying 4,000 won per hour after registering the child at a part-time childcare management agency. Child registration and service applications can be made starting in April.

① Increase in child care fees for disabled children
In order to improve the quality of childcare services for children with disabilities, childcare fees were increased by 6% to 532,000 won per month, an increase of 30,000 won.

② Increase in allowances for special teachers and therapists
To improve the treatment of special teachers and therapists working at daycare centers for children with disabilities, the monthly allowance was increased by 100,000 won (400,000 won).

① Relaxation of support standards for assistant teachers and extended childcare teachers
Support for assistant teachers at daycare centers with infant classes has been expanded. The previous standard for supporting assistant teachers was that 50% of the total number of children in the daycare center had to be met, but you can receive support even if you only meet 50% of the number of students in the infant class.
In addition, in the case of islands, remote areas, and rural areas where it is difficult to supply manpower, the existing extended childcare teacher system, which required support only when both the number of children using the daycare center and the standards for usage hours, was selected, continued even if only one criterion was met. You can now receive support.

② Improvement of treatment for childcare teachers
Daycare centers that are recognized as having a special teacher-to-child ratio must use at least 30% of the profits generated by increasing the number of infants and toddlers that can be cared for by one childcare teacher to pay the salaries of childcare workers. Failure to comply with this will result in exclusion from the application of the special treatment. no see.

In addition, the teacher working environment improvement fee (homeroom allowance) will be increased to improve the treatment of childcare teachers who are working hard to care for infants and toddlers even in the prolonged corona situation.

In addition, allowances that were paid only to substitute teachers within the scope of the operating cost budget are also paid to substitute teachers, and travel expenses regulations have been established to allow for fuel payments commensurate with transportation costs if the work location is a vulnerable area or a remote work site.

① Timing of continuing education for teachers working part-time
Promotion training is based on actual working hours. However, in the case of job training provided regularly, regardless of actual working hours, it must be completed within 3 years from the start date of employment if 2 years have elapsed.

② Priority for support for assistant teachers and extended childcare teachers

Priority for support for assistant teachers and extended child care teachers

This revision to the child care business guide is said to be aimed at intensively supporting the policy and creating a child-friendly child-rearing environment, as 2022 is the year when intensive investment in early childhood, such as infant allowances, begins in earnest.

As announced by the Ministry of Health and Welfare, this year, child allowance payments were expanded to 8 years of age, and the infant allowance project was also expanded.
Accordingly, the treatment of childcare staff is also gradually increasing. I hope that childcare conditions and the working conditions of childcare teachers will improve together.

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