현금영수증 조회 Tips for checking cash receipts at once without going to the home tax!

현금영수증 조회C.S.Lewis
Tips for people who find it annoying to verify their cash receipts every time they check them
Did everyone receive their year-end tax settlement in February this year? In fact, year-end tax settlement should not be prepared from December, but from January when a new year begins! Among them, the most frequently deducted items are cash and check cards. If you spend without thinking from January to November, even if you spend a lot of money, your year-end tax refund may be small.

So, you need to check from time to time, ‘Are the cash receipts being properly registered?’ so that you don’t get upset in December and wonder, ‘Why am I receiving so little income tax deduction?’ Cash receipt inquiries are managed by Hometax. Before I tell you some useful tips, I will first explain the official Hometax guide!

1. Hometax homepage – Inquiry/Issuance – Click to view cash receipt

2. Click Joint/Financial Certificate

3. Enter joint/financial certificate password

4. Check cash receipt usage details

5. View by day, week, month

In fact, it is too cumbersome to plug in the joint certificate USB, access the financial certificate, and connect it to the smartphone every time you check the cash receipt. It’s not something I do often, but it’s necessary. If I don’t do it, I feel like I’m losing money at year-end tax settlement, and if I do it, it’s a hassle… It would be great if you could always check your cash receipt details without having to verify it every time… If you are thinking about doing this, pay attention! Tips for checking cash receipts 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, suggested by Bank Salad!

Find out how to link your cash usage history with your ID and password here! >

However, some people don’t know how to get to their ID and password, so I summarized it in one page!

Still, humans are creatures of forgetfulness. You won’t be able to remember all your IDs and passwords. So, you can bring the cash receipt details from Hometax through a joint certificate.

1. I do not know the registered account. click

2. Authenticate with a joint certificate

3. Add joint certificate

4. PC screen (app.banksalad.com <- click) 5. Enter authentication number 6. Select joint certificate 7. Enter password Linking like this is a little more complicated than ID and password, but unless you unlink, you don't have to go to Hometax and check cash receipt details one by one! Just turn on the Bank Salad app from time to time to manage your expenses and check if your cash receipts are being properly registered. That's it! It also saves time because you don't have to rummage through the drawers to find the USB every time! Save money with income deductions and save time with automatic linkage! If you have processed cash receipts by linking with Hometax every time until now, now you can check the cash receipt details through the Bank Salad app! You don't need to do a joint certificate every time, just invest 10 minutes once in your life and you won't have to worry about cash receipts in the future. Moreover, what if I also link the credit card company I use? You are a professional bank salad person! Download Bank Salad right away and easily check your cash receipts! Automatically check cash receipts at once >
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