드림스타트 사업 Dream Start Business | Children | Welfare information | Gyeongju-si – Golden City (Beautiful Gyeongju)

드림스타트 사업industrial economy
Education information
Traffic information
city ​​house
Cleaning environment
Culture and Sports
Agricultural and livestock products
water and sewage
safety disaster
Welfare information
industrial economy
Education information
Traffic information
city ​​house
Cleaning environment
Culture and Sports
Agricultural and livestock products
water and sewage
safety disaster
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Address [38102] 260 Yangjeong-ro, Gyeongju-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do (Dongcheon-dong, Gyeongju City Hall)
Main phone number: 054-779-8585
ⓒ 2022 Gyeongju-si. All rights reserved.

드림스타트 사업
