자동차채권환급금 조회 Do you get money if you drive the car for more than 5 years? How to get a car refund

자동차채권환급금 조회C.S.Lewis

Do you remember the bond you bought when purchasing a car? In most cases, people completely forget that they own bonds and are unable to receive a refund because the statute of limitations has passed. Be sure to refer to today’s content to avoid unfair losses!

A car refund refers to receiving a refund of the bond you purchased when purchasing a car. When registering a car with a local government, it is mandatory to purchase a bond for cars with an engine displacement of 1,600cc or more. Depending on the registration area, it is mandatory to purchase one of the ‘regional development bonds’ and ‘urban rail bonds’, and the purchased bonds are used for facility management and maintenance purposes.

Bonds can be refunded after a maximum of 5 to 7 years. However, if the refund claim is not processed within the statute of limitations period, the right disappears! Since the repayment period and statute of limitations are different depending on the region, it is recommended to check the refund through a bank in each region. *Coupon interest rate: The coupon rate is the annual interest payment rate for the face value of the bond indicated on the bond surface, literally the bond’s This refers to the interest rate indicated on the cover.

You can easily check your refund on the bank’s website or app for the bond you own. Since the repayment banks that have entered into agreements differ depending on the region, please refer to the table for details. The general method of applying for a ‘car refund’ is as follows.
point! Previously, you had to visit the bank in person to receive a refund for the maturity bond, but from March 2022, newly purchased local development bonds can be refunded by automatic deposit to an account designated by the creditor on the maturity date.

Many people may find it burdensome to purchase public bonds due to the various costs incurred when purchasing a car. A way to relieve this burden is through public loan discounts. Public bond discounting refers to a method of purchasing bonds and immediately selling them by applying a certain discount rate to a financial company. Unlike the public bond purchasing method, which allows you to receive principal and interest after maturity in 5 to 7 years, the initial cost burden is reduced. It is one of the methods that many people are considering because it is possible. ✋ When registering a new car, what bond amount should you purchase? Since the bond purchase rate and discount rate are applied differently depending on the local government, it is a good idea to check the approximate amount through Automobile 365’s ‘New Car Registration Cost Calculator’!

ex) The bond purchase price based on the Di All New Grandeur vehicle is 6,805,454 won. (*Model released on November 15, 2022 The All New Grandeur-Premium standard, if you live in Seoul)


According to the Ministry of Public Administration and Security, ‘unclaimed bonds’ amount to approximately 230 billion won. Since you cannot get a refund after the statute of limitations expires, don’t miss out on the ‘lump sum’ and get a refund!
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자동차채권환급금 조회
