운전면허 벌점조회 하는 방법 How to check driver’s license penalty points

I think drivers will often be fined for violating the law. While driving, you often inevitably end up breaking the law and getting caught. If you violate traffic laws, you may receive demerit points or fines without even knowing that you have violated them. If you do not manage the number of demerit points you have, your license may be revoked, so it is very important to manage demerit points on your driver’s license.

운전면허 벌점조회

운전면허 벌점조회

Driver’s license penalty point inquiry representative

Today, I will tell you how to check demerit points on your driver’s license and how to erase demerit points, so if you watch until the end, it will be very useful information.

Driver’s license penalty point inquiry 1 Driver’s license penalty point inquiry 2

【Driver’s license penalty point inquiry/penalty point extinction】

Driver’s license penalty points
Driver’s License Penalty Point Types

In the case of driver’s license penalty points, if you exceed the standards of 121 points or more for 1 year, 201 points or more for 2 years, or 271 points or more for 3 years, your license will be revoked.

As you can see in the table above, speeding violations result in 15 penalty points for exceeding 20 km, 30 points for exceeding 40 km, and 60 penalty points for exceeding 60 km. Additionally, in the case of drunk driving, 100 demerit points are imposed, and if it exceeds 0.08%, your license will be revoked, so you should never drive while drunk.

So, will these driver’s license penalty points disappear?

In the case of driver’s license penalty points, if the penalty points are less than 40 in one year, the penalty points automatically expire when one year has passed from the date of the last violation or accident.

In other words, when one year has elapsed from the date of the last violation, the penalty points automatically expire, and if an additional violation or traffic accident occurs within one year, another year must elapse from the time of occurrence for the penalty points to expire.

Therefore, most drivers do not know how many demerit points they have, and they do not know the exact expiration period of these demerit points. If demerit points accumulate due to additional violations, the demerit points accumulate again, which may result in license suspension or license cancellation in the future.
Driver’s license penalty point inquiry 3 Driver’s license penalty point inquiry 4

【Driver’s license penalty point inquiry/penalty point extinction】

How to cancel driver’s license penalty points

There are a total of six ways to have your driver’s license star points canceled or reduced.

① As mentioned above, if the score is less than 40 points for one year, the penalty points are automatically extinguished if there are no accidents or violations for one year.

② If a vehicle that fled after causing a traffic accident is reported or arrested without taking any follow-up measures, the driver will be given 40 preferential points.

③ When your license is suspended or revoked, you must complete mandatory training. If you complete 6 hours of traffic literacy training, your license suspension period will be reduced by 20 days. If you do not complete mandatory training, you will be required to pay a fine of 40,000 won. .

④ This applies to drivers without accidents and drivers who have received a meritorious driving citation, and if such exemplary drivers are engaged in volunteer work related to traffic safety, the execution period for license suspension is reduced by half.

⑤ Many of you may have heard of the term special pardon. A special pardon is a case of releasing execution for a person subject to driver’s license politics and license cancellation. Nowadays, the laws and regulations on drunk driving have been strengthened, so the opportunity for a special pardon is limited. It’s decreasing a lot.

⑥ Lastly, there is a way to use the good driving mileage system. The good driving mileage system is a system that reduces penalty points by providing mileage points of 10 per year when a pledge of no accidents and no violations has been fulfilled for one year.

If you promise no violations and no accidents and maintain it well for one year, you can accumulate 10 mileage points, so if you use it well, you can benefit from a reduction in penalty points.
【Driver’s license penalty point inquiry/penalty point extinction】

Driver’s license penalty point inquiry

Now let’s check the penalty points on your driver’s license.

First, enter “National Police Agency Traffic Complaint” in the search box and access the National Police Agency Traffic Complaint 24 website below.
Driver’s license penalty point inquiry search box

When you log in, the main homepage will appear, where you can click on the Driver’s License/Investigation Reservation item.

(For reference, you can also apply for the “Good Driving Mileage” mentioned above here. If you would like to apply, click on the “Good Driving Mileage” button at the top right of the homepage to apply.)

Driver’s license penalty point inquiry site

Click Driver’s License/Investigation Reservation, and then click Driver’s License Penalty Point Inquiry.

Penalty point inquiry menu

To check driver’s license penalty points, you must log in with a public certificate. If you have a public certificate, enter your name and resident registration number and log in with the public certificate.

Penalty point inquiry login screen

When you log in, you can view your driver’s license penalty points as shown below, so if you have penalty points, be sure to manage them. Also, if you look at the menu items on the left, you can use various services such as driver’s license penalty points inquiry, driver’s license authenticity verification, driver’s license inquiry, 7-year accident-free inquiry, driving history certificate issuance, and international driver’s license inquiry.

Penalty point inquiry result

I tried using the 7-year accident-free inquiry service, but please note that 7-year accident-free driving only applies to Type 2 normal (manual) or Type 1 normal (manual) cases.

7-year accident-free tracking

You can also check your driver’s license in detail, so it would be a good idea to refer to it.

Driver’s license inquiry

You can also check the authenticity of your driver’s license, so if you have a questionable driver’s license, you can check it accurately by looking up it here.

Check the authenticity of driver’s license

This is the end of today’s content, and I hope that today’s content will be helpful. Although penalty point management through driver’s license penalty point inquiry is important, I think the most desirable way is to follow traffic laws to avoid penalty points being imposed in the first place.