우리은행 통장사본 Request for submission of bankbook copy confirming ownership of Woori Bank account

How to attach a copy of your bankbook to verify your Woori Bank account 우리은행 통장사본
1. Circumstances requiring confirmation of Woori Bank account

In various situations, you may need to attach a copy of your bankbook to verify your Woori Bank account. Key examples include:

Financial transactions: Verify your account when making financial transactions such as applying for a loan, issuing a card, or canceling an account.
Administrative procedures: Verify your account information when issuing resident registration cards, reporting taxes, and filling out various applications.
Others: Verification of account ownership and information, such as employment, rental car use, contract conclusion, etc.
2. How to attach a copy of your bankbook 이베이스매뉴얼

2.1. visit attached

우리은행 통장사본

Identity verification certificate (resident registration card, driver’s license, passport, etc.)
Copy of Woori Bank bankbook (seal or signature required)
Visit your nearest Woori Bank branch
Ask the teller to verify your account
Present identity verification certificate
Submit a copy of your bankbook
Follow the teller’s instructions and proceed with the account verification process.
2.2. Delivery attached

Copy of identity verification certificate (resident registration card, driver’s license, passport, etc.)
Copy of Woori Bank bankbook (seal or signature required)
Courier shipping cost
Access Woori Bank’s website or mobile banking app
Apply for account verification
Upload a copy of your identity verification certificate
Upload a copy of your bankbook
Delivery by courier
After receiving the package from Woori Bank, proceed with the account verification process
2.3. online attachment

Internet banking or mobile banking login information
Woori Bank bankbook copy image file (seal or signature required)
Access Woori Bank internet banking or mobile banking app
log in
Select account verification menu
Proceed with identity verification process
Upload bankbook copy image file
Complete account verification process
3. Precautions

The attached copy of the bankbook must be issued within the last 3 months.
A copy of the bankbook must have a seal or signature.
There may be restrictions on image file size and format when attaching online.
If you live overseas, the attachment method may be different.
4. Additional information

Q. How will the attached bankbook copy be processed?

A. Woori Bank processes the account after verifying account ownership and information through the attached copy of the bankbook.

Q. How long does it take to complete account verification after attachment?

A. If attached in person, it will be processed immediately, but if attached via courier or online, it may take 1-2 days.

Q. How can overseas residents verify their account?

A. You must visit the nearest Woori Bank overseas branch or use a courier service.

Q. How is personal information protected when attaching a copy of a bankbook?