버스운전자격증 시험 How to obtain a bus driver’s license, test information, and detailed driving aptitude test

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To drive passenger vehicles such as city buses, intercity buses, and charter buses,
You must obtain a bus driving license issued by the Korea Transportation Safety Authority. 
Based on information confirmed by the Korea Transportation Safety Authority, we will provide detailed information on how to obtain a bus driving license, including eligibility for the bus driving qualification test, test information, and detailed driving aptitude test. 
Bus driver’s license

Anyone who wants to engage in business bus driving, such as city buses, rural buses, village buses, intercity buses, and charter buses, must obtain a bus driver’s license. 
A bus driver’s license can be obtained through a test conducted by the Korea Transportation Safety Authority. 
How to obtain a bus driver qualification


You must have a driver’s license, meet the criteria for age, driving experience, and detailed driving aptitude test to be eligible to apply. 
① Driver’s license holder
– A person holding a Class 1 large or Class 1 regular driver’s license
② Age
– Age 20 or older
③ Driving experience
– Class 1 average or higher driving experience of more than 1 year
– Driver’s license holding period, standard, excluding cancellation and suspension periods
④ Applicants who meet the new driving aptitude test standards (based on the test reception date)
Required. Please check the details of the driving aptitude test first.
In-depth driving aptitude test required for transportation driver certification (+ cargo, bus)
▲ Cargo and bus transporters must take a detailed driving aptitude test. If you want to drive cargo or a bus, you must take a transport qualification test. Prior to the test, only those who fit the detailed driving aptitude test will be tested for transportation qualifications.

>> Written test subjects

>> Pass if you get more than 60 points out of 100 (if you get more than 48 questions in total)
>> After the exam is over, successful candidates are announced at the exam location.

>> 11,500 won

Apply for bus driver qualification test


Those who pass the written bus driving qualification test can receive a certificate within 30 days from the date of announcement of passing. 




So far, we have looked at the bus driver’s license that must be obtained by people engaged in bus driving, which are commonly seen around us. 
Those who work professionally in driving before taking the bus driver qualification test 
A detailed driving aptitude test must be performed first. 
If you are interested in the taxi and truck transport certification test, it will be helpful to check it out. 
Also check out how to obtain a taxi driver’s license.
Taxi driver’s license test information, acquisition method (+ detailed driving aptitude test)
Taxi driver qualification is a qualification administered by the Korea Transportation Safety Authority for people who want to engage in the taxi driving profession. Qualifications to take the taxi driving qualification test and test information, etc.
Also check out how to obtain cargo transportation licenses for delivery vehicles and commercial trucks.
Qualifications for taking the cargo transportation certification test and how to apply for the driving aptitude test
▲ Obtain a cargo transportation license to drive a cargo vehicle. This is a transportation certification issued by the Korea Transportation Safety Authority for people who want to engage in cargo transportation. You can take the cargo transportation certification test.
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