간헐적 단식 커피 May I drink coffee during intermittent fasting?

Have you started intermittent fasting? Confused about the drinks you can drink during fasting? From water to coffee to zero-calorie drinks, this is everything about your drink intake during intermittent fasting.

간헐적 단식 커피

a person who drinks water

Intermittent fasting is one of the popular ways to lose weight and improve health all over the world. However, many people feel confused about what they can drink during fasting. Choosing the right drink to avoid blood sugar spiking plays an important role in the success of intermittent fasting.


1. Water: Essential elements of intermittent fasting
Water is the most important drink of intermittent fasting. Water prevents dehydration and helps with metabolism. It is recommended to drink at least eight glasses of water a day during fasting. This helps remove toxins from your body and control your appetite.

Drinking water is also effective in reducing fatigue and hunger that you can feel during fasting. Drinking enough water makes fasting more pleasant and sustainable.

간헐적 단식 커피

2. the combination of coffee and intermittent fasting
americano is another drink that can be consumed during intermittent fasting. Coffee is calorie-free and can help suppress appetite and promote metabolism. Coffee is also rich in antioxidants, which provide health benefits.

When drinking coffee, avoid calorie-rich additives such as syrup, sugar, cream, and milk. These additives can reduce the effectiveness of fasting and cause a blood sugar spike.


3. Choose a zero-calorie drink
Zero-calorie drinks can be consumed during intermittent fasting, but be careful with your choice. Drinks containing artificial sweeteners can affect blood sugar and insulin levels.

Since artificial sweeteners can have a negative impact on weight management and health, it’s a good idea to quench your thirst in a natural way as much as possible. As an alternative, adding lemon or cucumber to the water to taste it is also a good idea.


4. Benefits of Herb Tea
Herbal tea is an excellent beverage option among intermittent fasting. Especially, caffeine-free herbal tea is useful for calming the body and helping with digestion.

Herbal teas like chamomile, rooibos, and mint help keep your body and mind at ease during fasting periods. Herbal teas also offer a variety of health benefits, and can increase the effectiveness of intermittent fasting.


5. the importance of consuming beverages during fasting
It is very important to maintain your body’s water balance during the fasting period. Eating the right drinks makes fasting more effective and can help you lose weight and improve your health.



Intermittent fast consumption of beverages has a significant impact on the success of fasting. Proper consumption of water, black coffee, herbal teas, etc. can help you manage your weight and improve your health more effectively during fasting. These drinks will make fasting easier and more pleasant.