사회복지사 보수교육센터 신청방법 How to apply for the Social Worker Continuing Education Center

You can select the training you want and register for classes at the Social Worker Online Continuing Education Center. Please note that we will provide a direct link at the bottom. This time, we will look at the outline and contents of the continuing education provided by the Korean Association of Social Workers’ Continuing Education Center.

사회복지사 보수교육센터

사회복지사 보수교육센터
Pursuant to Article 13, Paragraph 2 of the Social Welfare Service Act, social workers working in social welfare corporations or social welfare facilities must regularly receive continuing education that includes content on human rights.



The educational goal is to re-establish social workers’ ethics, enhance understanding of the latest knowledge and technology related to social welfare, and produce positive effects related to social workers’ capabilities and work expertise through practical training in the field.


For those eligible for education, social workers by grade are social workers engaged in social welfare corporations or social welfare facilities, and social workers by area are medical social workers or school social workers engaged in social welfare work at medical institutions or schools.



Social workers at each level must complete at least 8 points per year and must complete at least 1 point in one of the following subjects: Social Welfare Practice, Social Welfare Policy and Law, Social Welfare Administration, and Social Welfare Research.

Social workers in each field must earn at least 12 points per year and must complete at least 4 hours of training hosted by the Korean School Social Workers Association and the Korean Association of Medical Social Workers.


A fine will be imposed on those who have not received continuing education and those who are subject to disadvantageous dispositions due to continuing education. The fine for negligence is 200,000 Won for a social worker working at a social welfare corporation/facility who has not received continuing education, and 1 million Won for a person operating a social welfare corporation/facility who is subject to unfavorable dispositions due to continuing education.


Please refer to the following link (Social Workers Online Education Center (welfare.net)) to go directly to the Korean Association of Social Workers’ Online Education Center. You can use the continuing education, general education, customer center, and My Page menus.