병적증명서 인터넷 발급 Issuance of medical certificate online

We will quickly inform you about how to issue a medical certificate online. The medical certificate is used and used for various tasks such as supporting companies and various government support benefits. If you have served in the military, you must have been issued a medical certificate at least once. This will be really useful … Read more

삼성카드 비밀번호 변경 Samsung Pay when the password of the Gyeonggi local currency card is wrong 5 times

Then, if you click <Menu> in the upper left corner, the hidden list will appear. Please enter the first <card> here. Then, you need to click <Add → Add My Card> in the upper right corner. As it is still only available in real life, it is not possible for those who have it on … Read more

삼성카드 다이렉트오토 후기 Tesla Model Y payment completed. with Samsung Card Direct Auto

Back to the explanation, a one-time payment for a new car can receive cashback. Receive up to 1.5% cashback after card payment as a product This is a product~ If you want to pay in a lump sum, you can consider It’s a good product~ Build up your performance and get cashback. 삼성카드 다이렉트오토 후기 … Read more

삼성카드 연회비 면제 Shinsegae E-Mart Samsung Card 7 annual fee waiver and shopping benefits

Hello, new ID series ​ It’s popular these days, and it’s great for beginners or people in their 20’s and 30’s. ​ It is said to be very popular ​ Previously, the number series was really good and had the highest issuance rate. 삼성카드 연회비 면제 ​ Now I really like this ​ I’ll give … Read more

운전면허 벌점 소멸 Driver’s license demerit points

Let’s take a look at the criteria for demeriting driver’s license demerit points, how to inquire, and how to remove demerit points. There have been a lot of crackdowns these days. There are more and more safety belt enforcement, speeding vehicles, and traffic signal violations. Today, we will summarize the details related to the penalties … Read more

횡단보도 우회전 단속 Crosswalk right turn enforcement

A new traffic regulation that strengthens pedestrian protection obligations came into effect from January 22, and additional amendments to premium surcharges are in effect from July 12. Let’s learn about new traffic laws that drivers must know and follow, such as the duty to stop in front of a crosswalk and how to pass the … Read more