부모급여 신청방법 How to apply for parental benefit / application period / retroactive application / difference in infant allowance

부모급여 신청방법How to apply for parental benefit / application period / retroactive application / difference in infant allowance – In 2022, infant allowance was paid to parents raising infants from 0 to 1 year old. In 2023, the infant allowance system was changed to a parental benefit and the amount of support was drastically increased. … Read more

부모급여 신청방법 Find out how to apply for 2023 Parental Benefit and the required documents.

부모급여 신청방법It’s getting harder and harder to raise children. If you can get government subsidies, Getting it is very helpful in parenting I can say that it is. Newly introduced from 2023 How to apply for parental benefits together in today’s post I want to find out 🙂 In order to apply for parental benefits, … Read more