보건증 발급 Gangdong-gu Public Health Center

보건증 발급○ Resumption date: 2022.05.23.(Mon)~ ○ Types of issuance: 3 types: food, school meals, entertainment and hospitality (women) ○ Test subject: 15 years of age or older (required to bring ID upon application and issuance of result sheet) ○ Examination procedure: 1st floor civil service office reception/storage → 2nd floor radiology room, clinical laboratory examination … Read more

보건증 발급 Health certificate issuance icensed healthcare p

보건증 발급 Title: The Essential Guide to Health Certificate Issuance: Ensuring Your Well-being Introduction: In this fast-paced world, our well-being should be a top priority. Ensuring good health is a fundamental aspect of a fulfilling life. Securing a health certificate is an essential step in maintaining personal wellness. This blog post aims to shed light … Read more