현금영수증 조회 Tips for checking cash receipts at once without going to the home tax!

현금영수증 조회C.S.Lewis Tips for people who find it annoying to verify their cash receipts every time they check them Did everyone receive their year-end tax settlement in February this year? In fact, year-end tax settlement should not be prepared from December, but from January when a new year begins! Among them, the most frequently deducted … Read more

현금영수증 조회 How to apply for cash receipt inquiry

It is true that consumption is reluctant in the current economic downturn. ​ However, there is money that is unavoidable in social life. In order to receive a tax refund at the end of the year, it is recommended to apply for a cash receipt on a regular basis. ​ In that sense, today, I … Read more