CU편의점 재고조회 How to check CU’s convenience store inventory [Pocket See U]

Let’s find out how to check the stock of CU convenience stores. There are times when certain products cause chaos. Going back, I think there were honey butter chips, kkobuk chips, and Pokemon bread. I think cream bread is also popular these days.

Then, let’s find out how to check the stock of CU convenience stores, which are used when it is difficult to obtain due to the chaos of popular products.

Table of Contents CU편의점 재고조회
CU Convenience store inventory check
CU Inventory Check Shortcut
How to check CU inventory
Installing the Pocket CU App
Pocket CU membership and login
CU Convenience Store Inventory Inquiry Procedure
Check inventory store information
Time of warehousing of goods
CU Convenience store inventory check
CU Convenience store inventory check

It’s very simple to check the stock of a particular product at CU convenience stores. Here’s how to check the stock.

Using the app: CU Convenience stores offer a service to check product inventory through the app. You can check the inventory of a specific product through a mobile application. You can select a product and use the ability to check whether it is in stock.
Phone Inquiry: CU Convenience stores can also look up inventory by phone. You can find the phone number of your nearest store and call the staff to ask them about the stock of a particular product.
In-person Visit: The most direct and reliable way is to visit the convenience store in person to check the product. In this case, you can find it yourself among several products or contact the staff to see if they are available.
Among the above methods, the most convenient method is to use the app to check the stock of the desired product at the CU convenience store located nearby. Then, let’s find out how to check the stock of CU convenience stores using the app.

CU Inventory Check Shortcut

CU Convenience Store Home Page Shortcut
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How to check CU inventory

CU Convenience store inventory check

You can find out how to check the CU convenience store inventory through the Pocket CU app.

CU Convenience store inventory check

Installing the Pocket CU App
CU Convenience store inventory check

You need to download and install the Pocket CU app to check the CU convenience store inventory. You can install the CU app from the Google Play Store or the App Store.

CU Convenience store inventory check

Samsung Galaxy Pocket CU Apple iPhone Pocket CU
Pocket CU membership and login
CU Convenience store inventory check

If you have installed the app, you don’t need to sign up or log in to check CU inventory. You can check inventory without signing up for membership.

However, you cannot purchase the product through the app unless you sign up for membership.

CU Convenience Store Inventory Inquiry Procedure
CU Convenience store inventory check

Let’s take a look at the CU convenience store inventory inquiry procedure.

Pocket CU app installation ⇒ app access rights check ⇒ inventory check ⇒ product search ⇒ map and list
CU Convenience store inventory check

Install the CU Pocket app.
Click Check App Access.
‘Run’ the app and press ‘Inventory Check’ on the main screen.
Enter the desired name in the search box and search for it.
By clicking on the product, you can look up your inventory in a ‘map or list format’.
CU Convenience store inventory check

Samsung Galaxy Pocket CU App

Apple iPhone Pocket CU App

Check inventory store information
CU Convenience store inventory check

As you can see in the order above, ‘Check app access’ will allow you to check the stock information of nearby CU convenience stores based on their location. The Pocket CU app will display nearby CU convenience stores on the map, making it easy to check the stock information of each store. Once you select a store, you’ll see the store’s details, giving you the option to purchase the product right away through the app.

However, membership registration and login are required to use the shopping cart and direct purchase function so that you can purchase the product through the Pocket CU app. Depending on your choice, you can also purchase the product through delivery or pick-up service. If a product is out of stock, one way to secure the product by signing up for membership, logging in, and quickly purchasing it.

Time of warehousing of goods
CU Convenience store inventory check

The amount of time that CU convenience stores have in stock may vary slightly from store to store. However, in general, there is a pattern.

Weekdays morning (08:00 to 09:00): Most products such as freezing, refrigerating, and alcohol are in stock.
Weekday afternoon (14:00-15:00): Room temperature products and some alcoholic beverages, cigarettes, miscellaneous goods, etc. will be stocked.
Weekdays evening (20:00 to 21:00): Refrigerated products, bread, and ready-made drugs are mainly stocked.
Also, stocks of certain products may increase during the season or event period. For example, cool products such as drinks and ice cream may increase in the summer, and hot drinks and convenience foods may increase in the winter.

These warehousing times may vary depending on the operating conditions of each store, so it is recommended that you contact the store for the exact time.