CU 재고조회 및 포켓CU 사용법 How to check CU inventory and use Pocket CU

These days, as many collaboration products and new products come out at convenience stores, stock is often sold out.

I think you’ve probably had the experience of stopping by a convenience store with a heavy heart, only to be turned out because it was out of stock.

CU 재고조회

CU 재고조회

If you knew in advance whether it was in stock, you wouldn’t have to make the above mistake.

Today, I would like to explain how you can find out product inventory at convenience stores (CU, GS).

Please refer to the article below.



How to check convenience store product inventory
The way to check convenience store product inventory is to use the convenience store app.

CU can be known as Pocket Mobile Web or Pocket CU app, and GS can be known as an app called Our Neighborhood GS.

I will explain in detail below.



Check CU convenience store product inventory

You can check CU convenience store product inventory through Pocket CU (mobile app, mobile web).

I would like to explain how you can check it on the mobile web without installing the app.

The method below is only available on mobile devices.


1. Please access the Pocket CU mobile web.

2. Select [Inventory Inquiry] on the main screen.

3. Search for the product you want to check inventory for.

4. I searched for ‘Baek Jong-won Jeyuk Hanpan’.

The product will be displayed in the results as shown below, so please select the product.

5. A map will be displayed as shown below, and the inventory number of the product selected above will be displayed as a pin in the map.

Please select a pin.

6. When you select a pin, convenience store information will be displayed as shown below.

Please select a convenience store.

7. The current inventory of ‘Baek Jong-won Beef Hanpan’ in the store is displayed.


Check GS convenience store product inventory
You can check GS convenience store product inventory through the ‘GS in my neighborhood’ app.


1. First, please install the My Neighborhood GS app.

2. After running the app, select [Find Inventory] under ‘Most Wanted Services’ at the bottom.

3. Enter the product name you want to check inventory at the top.

4. I searched for ‘Hye Ja-roun Home Food’.

Search results for the product are displayed as shown below.

Please select the product you want to check inventory.

5. A map will be displayed as shown below, and the inventory number of the product selected above will be displayed as a pin in the map.

When you select a pin, detailed information about the store will be displayed.

6. On the screen above, select a store where you can purchase below and then scroll up to view it in a list format.

If you select, you can check store details as shown in the screen on the right below.




Today we learned how to check convenience store (CU, GS) inventory.

I tried the above method after making a few lost steps, and it was very convenient and good because I didn’t have to make any mistakes.

In particular, in the case of collaboration products or new products that sell out quickly, you can easily purchase the product by using the convenience store after checking inventory using the method above.

This concludes today’s posting. thank you