CU 알뜰택배 가격 Convenience store half-price delivery price comparison and how to use (CU economical delivery, GS25 half-price delivery)

CU 알뜰택배 가격First, let’s look at the pros and cons of half-price delivery. Overall, it is a service that can be used at a low price when you are not in a hurry.
CU provides services under the name of economical delivery, and GS25 provides services under the name of half-price delivery. Let’s take a look at the delivery prices of each convenience store.
CU economical delivery prices are as follows. Please note that deliveries exceeding 5 kg or very small parcels (smaller than the invoice) are not possible. In addition, only items with a value of 500,000 won or less can be used, and only box packaging with width + length + height of less than 1m is possible.
GS25 half-price delivery prices are as follows. Likewise, it is not possible to exceed 5kg or the value of the item is more than 500,000 won. Unlike CU Economical Delivery, only box packaging within 80cm in width + length + height is possible.
As shown in the table below, the GS25 half-price delivery price is 100 won more expensive for 0.5 to 1.0 kg delivery, and the CU economical delivery price is 100 won more expensive for 1.0 to 5.0 kg delivery.
Lastly, let’s look at how to use half-price delivery at each convenience store.
How to use CU’s economical delivery service is as follows.
For more information, please refer to the CU POST Economical Courier official website below.
※ Check the recipient’s mobile phone number when making a delivery reservation! When making a reservation for CU Economic Courier, please double-check that you have entered the recipient’s mobile phone number correctly. Delivery notification message and receipt QR code to the mobile phone number you entered
The method of using GS25 half-price delivery is almost similar to CU economical delivery, but the order given on the website is as follows.
For more information, please refer to the GS25 half-price delivery official website below.
Half-price delivery reservation | Convenience store delivery GS Postbox
Today, we looked at price comparison and how to use half-price courier service, which allows you to use a relatively inexpensive courier service. Please save on delivery costs by using CU economical delivery and GS25 half-price delivery depending on the situation.
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CU 알뜰택배 가격
