K패스 신한카드 발급방법 K-Pass transportation card issuance begins on April 24 | Learn about discount rates and application methods | Wello

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Created date | 2024-04-24
Good news for office workers and students who use public transportation every day! There is news that the ‘K-Pass Transportation Card’ benefit, which allows you to receive a refund of at least 20% to a maximum of 53% of public transportation fares, will be applied starting in May. 🚌 The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport announced that it will begin issuing K-Pass transportation cards from the 24th of this month, a week before the card launch. Find out about the K-Pass card benefits and application method that can be applied starting on the 24th!

K-Pass transportation card benefits and discount rates

With the K-Pass card, if you regularly use public transportation such as city buses, village buses, subways, metropolitan buses, or GTX more than 15 times a month, a certain percentage of the transportation expenses spent is accumulated up to 60 times a month and refunded the next month. This is a transportation card.

Unlike existing economical transportation cards, the K Pass, which will be implemented from May, allows you to earn a certain percentage based on the amount used regardless of the distance traveled. Depending on the user group, 20% of the refund is refunded to the general public, 30% to the young, and 53% to the low-income group, allowing greater transportation cost savings. Benefits will be applied from May 1, the launch date.

How to apply for K-Pass card
To receive K-Pass benefits, you must issue a K-Pass card and go through the new membership registration process. If you are an existing budget transportation card user, you can receive K-Pass benefits after simple membership conversion.

🚍 How to apply for a new K Pass

Applicants for a new K-Pass card issuance must receive a K-Pass card from the relevant card company from Wednesday, April 24, and then visit the K-Pass website (https://korea-pass.kr/), which will be released from May 1. ) Alternatively, you can receive a transportation fee refund by signing up for membership in the app.

Card companies that can issue K-Pass are ▲Shinhan, ▲Woori, ▲Hana, ▲BC, ▲Samsung, ▲Hyundai, ▲K Bank, ▲Industrial Bank of Korea, ▲Kookmin, ▲Nonghyup, ▲EZLE, ▲Kakao Pay, ▲DGB Yu. It can be issued through Pay, and ▲Existing economical transportation cards can also be used through K-Pass.

✅ Starting April 24th, receive a K-Pass card from each credit card company and use it after registering as a new member on the website.
✅ Card companies: Shinhan, Woori, Hana, BC, Samsung, Hyundai, K Bank, Industrial Bank of Korea, Kookmin, Nonghyup, Easle, Kakao Pay, DGB U-Pay

[ K-Pass website ] ※ Available from May 1 ※
` Here’s your guide. Hello. The K-Pass website will be available starting May 1. Starting from Wednesday, April 24, 2024, new K-Pass issuance is available from the card companies below. When issuing a new K-Pass card, you can use it by registering as a member on the Economical Transportation Card website or app before May 1 and then converting to K-Pass membership. (If you do not switch to K-Pass membership, benefits will apply from the date of conversion or new K-Pass subscription.) K-Pass cards are available from Shinhan, Woori, Hana, BC, Samsung, Hyundai, K-Bank, Industrial Bank of Korea, Kookmin, Can be issued by Nonghyup, Izzle, Kakao Pay, and DGB U-Pay…

🚍 Economical transportation card → K-pass card conversion

Those who are already using an economical transportation card can enjoy the benefits of the K-Pass card by simply going through a simple membership conversion process (economical card → K-pass) on the economical transportation card website (https://alcard.kr/) without issuing additional cards or registering as a member. I can receive it. All you have to do is enter the card number of the economical transportation card you are currently using, enter your resident registration number to verify your address, and agree to the terms and conditions.

Since K-Pass card benefits are applied from the date of membership conversion or new membership registration, economical transportation card users must complete the membership conversion process (new membership registration process) to receive K-Pass benefits. Users who completed the conversion within 30 days or more can receive benefits immediately from May 1, when the K-Pass goes into effect. Users who did not complete the conversion in advance will not receive the K-Pass refund benefit until they complete the membership conversion. You can not.

✅ Apply for conversion from Economical Card → K Pass member on the Economical Transportation Card website
✅ If you do not convert to K-Pass membership, benefits will be applied from the date of conversion or new K-Pass subscription.

[Economic transportation card website]
Economic transportation card website

In this era of high inflation, office workers who frequently use public transportation often wonder, ‘How can I save even a little on transportation costs?’ Why not try dieting on transportation costs with the K-Pass card, which is more convenient and offers greater benefits than existing economical transportation cards?

The K-Pass card provides additional benefits depending on usage performance by card company. For issuance applications and detailed benefits, please check each card company’s website 🙂
Written on 2024-04-23
Written on 2024-04-24

K패스 신한카드 발급방법
