KC 인증 정보 조회 How to view KC certification information and report non-certification

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Is it a big problem if I don’t check KC certification information? <Everything about KC certification that consignment sellers need to know 3>
Hazel.k 2023. 1. 4. 10:38

KC 인증 정보 조회

If I don’t check KC certification, will I be in big trouble?


KC 인증 정보 조회
In Part 2 of <Everything about KC certification that consignment sellers need to know>, we looked at the obligations of consignment sellers regarding KC certification. We explained that consignment sellers have an obligation to accurately disclose the product’s KC certification information online. In this episode, we will take a closer look at the KC certification-related obligations of consignment sellers and what happens when obligations are violated(!).



🙄 What happens if I don’t check KC certification information?
To summarize the previous content in one word, it would be ‘Consignment sellers do not need to directly obtain KC certification.’ Nevertheless, I told you that you have an obligation to notify the contents of KC certification, right? So now I’m curious. KC certification is something that producers and importers just need to pay attention to, right? Do we really need to check the exact certification details of the consignment seller? What should I do if it is a product for which I cannot find KC certification information? Can’t I just sell it? Would it be a big deal if I informed you of the contents? (Question mark killer)


To conclude, yes, something big can happen. Consignment sellers may also be subject to punishment or fines if they sell products that are subject to KC certification but have not been certified, or if they do not accurately post certified information online.


First, let’s look at the penalty provisions for violation of obligations under the Electrical Appliances and Household Products Safety Management Act. (Click for more below!)




▶ Penalty regulations under the Electrical Appliances and Household Products Safety Management Act



Penalties for consignment sellers are largely divided into cases of selling products that are subject to certification but have not been certified, and failure to post certification information. If you sell a product that violates the obligation to obtain certification, you will be subject to imprisonment for up to 3 years, a fine of up to 30 million won, or a fine of up to 10 million won. In case of violation of the obligation to post authentication information, a fine of up to 10 million won will be imposed.



KC certification-obligation-violation-time-penalty


Let’s take a look at the provisions of the Special Act on Safety of Children’s Products. (Click for more!)




▶ Penalty regulations under the Special Act on Safety of Children’s Products



In the case of children’s products, if a product is sold that violates certification obligations, a fine of up to 10 million won will be imposed. As mentioned in the previous article, there is no obligation to post certification information under the law. So there is no penalty for violating this. However, please keep in mind that at Smart Store, if KC certification information for children’s products is not entered when registering a product, registration will be restricted.


In summary, as a consignment seller, we are not obligated to obtain KC certification, but we are obligated to select and distribute only certified products and notify consumers of the certification information. So, even though it may be a little inconvenient, please check carefully whether each product has received KC certification and the details of the certification during the product selection process. If you violate your obligations, you will be subject to quite severe punishment.



😏 “‘No way’ will I get reported?”
As you saw in the previous two articles, it is not as easy as you think to check whether a specific product is subject to KC certification, so it is relatively easy for consignment sellers to overlook this part when sourcing products. In addition, there are temptations like this. ‘How many consumers accurately check KC certification information?’ Or, ‘How likely is it that my cute little store will be punished for violating KC certification?’


But be careful! Even if you are not necessarily a consumer, there are many cases where competitors, certification agencies, etc. demonstrate a keen awareness of reporting against stores that have neglected their KC certification obligations. In fact, it is said that there are many small stores that have been accused of this and received fines, etc., so let us all become sellers who do not fall for the temptation of half-measures. 😊





In the last part, we will check the KC certification information provided by the supplier and learn how to enter it correctly when registering a product. 🤗



Should consignment sellers receive KC certification? <Everything about KC certification that consignment sellers need to know 2>

Should consignment sellers receive KC certification? <Everything about KC certification that consignment sellers need to know 2>

In the last article, I learned about what KC certification is, which products are subject to it, and how to check whether the item I want to sell is subject to KC certification. KC certification is a compulsory certification system by the government, and


Does my product need KC certification? <Everything about KC certification that consignment sellers need to know 1>

Do you need my product, KC certification? <Everything about KC certification that consignment sellers need to know 1>

As a beginner, when registering a product on Smart Store, I often get confused when this information pop-up appears. Although the text is slightly different depending on the category, the core content is ‘Have you received KC certification?’ or ‘Have you complied with safety standards?’



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New life after quitting work
Living a new life after leaving work. I’ll give it a try.

Dark Luca2023.01.04 13:34 Report
Thank you for good information

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Hazel.k2023.01.05 09:19 Report
thank you! 🤗 Please stop by often~💗

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