KCP 결제내역 KCP payment history

You must have experienced a surprise when you received an unexpected automatic payment text message. Because I set it to be automatically paid, I get a text and find myself frozen.


‘what? When did I pay for this? Did you lose your card? hacking? What do we do?’ Isn’t it time to stop the card right now while being full of 50,000 thoughts?


You may even think… If the payment text says KCP automatic payment or Korea cyber payment, proceed to check the kcp payment history through the following method.

KCP 결제내역


Check KCP payment history
First of all, KCP is Korea Cyber Payment Co., Ltd., and the logo that is mainly used is the alphabet KCP combination. It’s similar to Inicis. It’s like an online payment agency. There is no such thing as fraud or hacking, so don’t worry. KCP 결제내역


How to check kcp payment history is simple. Go to the kcp homepage and enter the payment method, card number, approval number or email, payment amount and transaction date in the customer center – payment history inquiry menu. 좋은뉴스


I’ll leave the link at the bottom of the article on the homepage.



In this way, the payment information search result shows the name of the company that made the payment and the specific transaction time. It is also a moment of regret as I hit the ground as my memories that have disappeared come back.


Did you drink and pay? I also think that. So far, we have briefly explained how to check KCP payment history.