KT포인트 현금화 및 사용처 알아보기 Find out how to cash out and use KT points

KT membership is a compensation benefit provided to KT Mobile users and provides various benefits and discounts.
Through membership, you can receive discounts at various places, including restaurants, cafes, movie theaters, and shopping.
Let’s find out how to use KT membership points.

KT포인트 현금화

KT포인트 현금화

kt membership points


How to use KT membership points
Where to use KT membership points
How to cash out KT membership
How to use KT membership points
You must obtain a KT membership card or download the mobile app to manage your points. This card can be used as a physical card or digitally within a mobile app.


Points are mainly used at affiliated stores or services. Specifically, you can use your points by presenting your membership card or scanning a barcode or QR code in the app. Additionally, when making online payments, you can select and use KT membership points among the payment options.

Check remaining KT membership points☜Click

Where to use KT membership points
kt membership points
kt membership points
KT membership points
KT membership points
Restaurants and Cafes: Discounts are available at popular cafes such as Starbucks, Twosome Place, etc. Some restaurants and cafes offer discounts when paying using membership points.
Movie theaters and leisure facilities: KT membership points can also be used at major multiplex movie theaters such as CGV and Lotte Cinema, and you can receive additional discounts through special promotions. Membership points can also be used at amusement parks and aquariums such as Lotte World and Everland, allowing you to receive discounts on leisure activities.
Large supermarkets and convenience stores: You can use KT membership points to receive additional discounts at large supermarkets such as Lotte Mart, E-Mart, etc. Convenience stores such as GS25, CU, etc. also support payment using membership points.
Online shopping malls: KT membership points can also be used at online shopping malls such as G Market, Auction, 11th Street, Interpark, etc. You can get discounts on various products or pay with points, and sometimes it is also possible to pay the full price of the product with membership points.
How to purchase KT membership movie tickets☜Click

How to cash out KT membership

kt membership points
There is no separate method to cash out KT membership.

However, if you are a VIP customer, there is also a way to reserve movie tickets and sell the seats at a used price.
There is no other way than to use points to purchase the item at a low price and then sell it as a used item.

Click ☜ to check KT VIP, VVIP benefits and standards

Good article to read together

Where to use and cash out Blue Members Points

Where to use and cash out Blue Members Points

Hyundai Motor Company’s Blue Members Points are a service provided by Hyundai Motor Company that allows you to accumulate points when purchasing a vehicle. Based on the vehicle value of 50 million won, points worth about 1 million won are accumulated.


I learned about KT membership

Membership resets on the 1st of each year. This is your chance to use the most points right now, so we hope you spend generously and wisely.