K패스 신청 및 혜택(Kpass,K-PASS) K Pass application and benefits (Kpass, K-PASS)

It is said that the K-Pass, which can save up to 53% on public transportation costs for those who use public transportation in high-priced areas, will be introduced two months earlier, in May, from the original schedule of introduction in July. You may be wondering what K-Pass is. From now on, we will provide you with a summary of the K-Pass application, issuance method, benefits, and other information.K패스 신청


K패스 신청




K-Pass application target
How to issue a K-Pass
K-Pass Benefits
Differences from K-Pass economical transportation card

K-Pass is a project implemented by the government to alleviate the burden of transportation costs on the common people and young people and encourage regular use of public transportation. It is said that the existing economical transportation card will be improved with K-Pass. It was originally scheduled to be introduced in July, but it is said to be implemented in May, two months earlier. If you use public transportation a lot, it may help you save on high transportation costs. If you are curious about economical transportation cards, check them out below!



Summary of benefits on how to apply for an economical transportation card

It is said that in a difficult situation due to high heating costs and rising prices, even public transportation fares are going to increase. Some people may be wondering if there is a way to save even a little on transportation costs. If you use public transportation,





Comprehensive summary of K Pass application, issuance method, and benefits




K-Pass application target

There is no specific target for applying for the K-Pass. Anyone can apply. If you regularly use city buses or subways more than 15 times a month, you can apply for the K-Pass to receive the benefits. (GTX-A and metropolitan buses are also included. Specific refund amount will be updated later)

(※ Excluding some local governments with a population of less than 100,000)


Areas excluded from K-Pass application





K-Pass is divided into general, youth, and low-income groups. General people can receive a 20% refund, young people 30%, and low-income groups 50%.



Category Refund Rate
Normal 20%
Youth 30%
Low income 53%


※ Youth: Ages 19 to 34 according to the Framework Act on Youth

※ Low-income: beneficiaries and the next lowest class under the Basic Livelihood Security Act





How to issue a K-Pass

K-Pass is an improved version of the economical transportation card. We will inform you of the application method for existing economical card users and new K-Pass subscribers.




Thrift card users
If you go through the membership conversion process to K-Pass, you can use your existing transportation card to receive K-Pass benefits.




K-Pass New User
You can use K-Pass after selecting the transportation card product you want on the K-Pass internet website, mobile application, or the websites of 11 card companies.


✅ K-Pass issuance (website)

*Available from May



Apply for K-Pass issuance




✅ K-Pass issuance (card company)


K-Pass issuing card company
The joy of moving
DGB Ubay


K-Pass Benefits

If you regularly use public transportation more than 15 times a month, a certain percentage of the amount spent will be refunded (up to 60 times)


K-Pass applies to: city buses, subways, GTX-A, metropolitan buses


K-Pass refund payment: Direct refund to the user next month

(Cash, mileage, card deduction)



K Pass-K Pass
-Source: Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport-


※ For example, if transportation expenses per month are 100,000 won, you can receive a refund of 20,000 won for the general public, 30,000 won for young people, and 50,000 won for low-income people. Additionally, you can receive a credit card company discount (10%). , If you use public transportation a lot, use the K-Pass and receive refund benefits.





Differences from K-Pass economical transportation card

We will tell you the differences between K-Pass and the economical transportation card.





The economical transportation card accrues mileage based on the distance traveled, which is inconvenient because users have to record the distance traveled.

K-Pass can be refunded in proportion to the amount spent regardless of the distance traveled.