파파고 이미지 번역 ‎Naver Papago – AI Translator on the App Store

파파고 이미지 번역Version 1.9.24 – ‘Hide Kanji/Furigana’ function when learning Edu Japanese words- Provide image translation ‘Language Recommendation’ function- Change in the minimum supported version of App OS: iOS 14.1 or higher- Excluding GYM menu 2.2 million ratings If you write Apple, there is a listen button at the top. When I press it, I … Read more

카카오톡 광고 차단 Block KakaoTalk ads, so easy in 10 seconds?

카카오톡 광고 차단No, at some point, there was an advertisement at the top of KakaoTalk, and then there was no advertisement? Let’s try to get rid of the annoying yo-yo-yo KakaoTalk ads. Since my phone is a Galaxy model, I’m going to explain it based on Android phone users.^^ The method is very, very simple. … Read more

던킨도너츠 할인 Double Discount Membership How to get 50% discount at Dunkin’ Donuts!

던킨도너츠 할인Membership points of telecommunications companies are more useful than we think, especially since they include affiliates that many people use frequently, so if you use them well, they can be of great help to your household. And this time, KT is offering July double discount membership and 5Good benefits to its subscribers. In this … Read more

우체국 익일특급 시간 Post office next-day express (fast registration)/general registration fee and notes (by review)

우체국 익일특급 시간When sending important documents, you must have sent them by registered post office for safe delivery rather than regular mail. In addition, there may be cases where you need to use the next day express, which is a fast registration, to send documents within the deadline, such as documents to be sent at … Read more

마켓컬리 샛별배송 Summary of market curly dawn delivery area and time (up-to-date information on morning delivery and daytime delivery)

마켓컬리 샛별배송usefulness of inquiry Market Kurly provides an early morning delivery system. However, there are separate areas for early morning delivery. Let’s find out how to find out what time Market Kurly can deliver to my house, and organize the area and time of early morning delivery. Market Curly provides early morning delivery, which is … Read more

gs25 요금제 U+ Affordable Mobile GS25 Rate Plan Comparison — Steemit

gs25 요금제The rate system was created to target KT’s ‘pure broadband safe unlimited’ rate plan. The composition of the GS25 rate plan is The composition of the KT ‘net broadband safe unlimited’ rate plan For reference, the composition of the 33,000 won rate plan that existing thrifty telecommunication companies used as an event (most thrifty … Read more

던킨도너츠 메뉴 추천 Dunkin’ Donuts menu recommendation is delicious

던킨도너츠 메뉴 추천I stopped by because I wanted to eat Dunkin’ Donuts for the first time in a while, but there seemed to be a lot of delicious-looking types, and the Dunkin Donuts menu was diverse, so I chose donuts while thinking about how to eat them deliciously. Chewy’s Donuts I like the chewy texture, … Read more

착한운전 마일리지 조회 How to apply for good driving mileage and view accumulated mileage

착한운전 마일리지 조회If the penalty points exceed 40 points and the driver’s license is suspended even after deducting 10 points, one day of license suspension will be reduced for each good driving mileage point. Mileage is accrued annually if there are no accidents and no violations. If you have an accident later, you can use … Read more