태아보험 가입시기 Comparison of fetal insurance rankings, subscription period and tips? < Plan 1 < News < Main article - Medical Tribune

태아보험 가입시기The reason why the risk of premature birth is increasing day by day is because of the increase in the age of marriage and the resulting increase in older pregnancies. Pregnancy at an advanced age increases the risk of fetal malformations such as premature birth and congenital anomalies. As of 2014, medical expenses for … Read more

개인회생 신청 자격 Individual Rehabilitation and Individual Rehabilitation Application Qualifications

개인회생 신청 자격When it is difficult for a debtor with a certain income to repay the debt, the court reduces the debt to the extent that the debtor can repay the individual rehabilitation system, and the application is in progress to the courts of the Republic of Korea based on the Debtor Rehabilitation and Bankruptcy … Read more

알뜰교통카드 신청 방법 [Thoughtful Transportation Plus Check Card] Public transportation 10%, living service 1%, living service 1% when using KB Pay – KB Kookmin Card

알뜰교통카드 신청 방법View Annual Fees The issuance of a KB Kookmin Check Card equipped with a deferred payment transportation function may be restricted for some customers, such as holding special bond balances or subject to credit management by the Korea Federation of Banks. Details: Refer to KB Kookmin Card website > MY KB > Direct … Read more

개인파산 신청 방법 Preparatory documents for personal bankruptcy system – Judicial scrivener Junsu Lee

개인파산 신청 방법031) 879 – 0594 consultation time ◆Primary preparation documents when applying for personal bankruptcy After the bankruptcy is declared, a trustee in bankruptcy is appointed, and the secondary preparation documents must be submitted at the time of the exemption review. ○ 1st basic documents ※ The above documents can also be issued at … Read more

대체산림자원 조성비 계산 National Law Information Center | Administrative Rules > Text

대체산림자원 조성비 계산Save list file format Save list file format save contents file format save contents file format save contents file format Save list file format Save list file format Save list file format Save list file format save text file format Save list file format save contents file format save contents file format 하늘사랑

둥글레차 효과 Learn about the side effects of Round Tea & the efficacy of Round Round Tea! : Naver Blog

둥글레차 효과2019. 2. 27. 20:53 Let’s know the side effects and efficacy of Round Tea! hello. This is Dan Pilates in Gurae-dong, Gimpo. Round tea is a tea commonly enjoyed by Koreans along with buckwheat tea and green tea. Round tea has been used as a substitute for meals by monks and sages since ancient … Read more

자전거도로의 구분 Classification of bicycle roads – Bike Chosun

자전거도로의 구분Input : 2015.03.24 14:53 In the 「Road Traffic Act」, “bicycle road” refers to the part of the road that is demarcated with safety signs, hazard prevention fences, or similar structures to be used for bicycle traffic. The classification of bicycle roads was classified into bicycle-only roads, bicycle-pedestrian combined-use roads, and bicycle-only lanes in Article … Read more

건축물의 대지와 도로 Architectural law search by terms_adjacency requirements (relationship between site and road)

건축물의 대지와 도로 folding requirement width The site of the building must be in contact with a road (excluding roads used only for vehicles) with a height of at least 2 meters. exception 1. Where it is recognized that there is no obstacle to access to the building; 2. Where there is a public notice … Read more

공동주택 공시가격 확인서 [Government 24 Confirmation of apartment price] It is not difficult to issue a confirmation of apartment price.

공동주택 공시가격 확인서hello The head of the city hall, county, or district may investigate and determine the price of the detached / multi-family house in question, and determine the price notified for each detached house. This is called condominium price. Individual housing prices provide price information in the housing market and are based on the … Read more

버스전용차로 위반 범칙금 Demerit Points and Fines for Bus-Only Violations How much are fines??

버스전용차로 위반 범칙금Exclusive bus lanes are lanes designed to allow buses to pass quickly, different from general lanes, and were created for the purpose of securing punctuality of bus operation and at the same time improving the transport capacity of public transportation. Occasionally, you may see general vehicles driving in bus lanes because they do … Read more