pass 인증서 발급 방법 From the issuance of the KT PASS app accredited certificate

hello! Today, I am going to explain how to get an official certificate and register a driver’s license with the KT PASS app.

I remember seeing it on the news before, but now I have a glimpse of what all banking, authentication, services, etc. are all about to be combined with a mobile phone.

Then I almost laughed. When will that happen? I mean. Now, the era has come when you can use even 5G data from BP, and I am acknowledged and feeling that what was in the news has now become a reality.
pass 인증서 발급 방법
Because that’s what I’m using right now. At first, I was used to the (old) official certificate, but now I can authenticate myself with KakaoTalk or the KT PASS app, and I can use it in the app by registering my driver’s license, so I feel really convenient. pass 인증서 발급 방법

Then we’ll quickly explain how to proceed.
Table of contents.
Install KT PASS app and authenticate yourself
Get KT PASS identity certificate issued
Registering KT PASS driver’s license

Let’s proceed right away!
Install the PASS app and authenticate yourself 이베이스매뉴얼
Please install the PASS by KT app first.
When the installation is complete, click Open to move to the next screen.
We recommend that you select Full Consent here.

Instead of agreeing to unnecessary surveys or advertisements, we let you choose what you need to run the app.

Bio information: Fingerprint registration
Camera: Used to take QR codes and driver’s licenses
Location information: Check the location of the device when sending a mobile driver’s license confirmation

If there is no problem, click the OK button and then click Accept to agree to the use of the camera.
Next, you need to verify the basics, select the carrier you are using, and then receive authentication.
For convenience, please register your fingerprint after authentication is complete.
I am using it after registering my fingerprint, and it is very convenient.
Get KT PASS identity certificate issued
Next, we will proceed with the issuance of the identity certificate.

If you look at the bottom, you can see the certificate in the upper left corner? Please click there.
Enter your name and date of birth and click the Next button.
And using the fingerprint registration you just registered, we will proceed to the next step after recognizing the fingerprint on the mobile phone.
Next, select the bank you are currently using, enter your account number, deposit 1 won in the PASS app, and send the name of the depositor in 4 digits.

Enter the correct information and click OK to complete the KT PASS certificate issuance.
The (old) accredited certificate is renewed every year, but the validity period is longer than that.

This seems to be an advantage.
Registering KT PASS driver’s license
The next step is to register your driver’s license.
I currently don’t have a car. But I know how to drive.

That’s why I always carry an unused driver’s license in my wallet.

In this regard, there seems to be no reason to worry too much if your wallet is lost if you obtain a mobile driver’s license and use it.
After you click Take Driver’s License, the information is automatically entered when the picture is taken correctly.

If there is no problem, please click Complete Registration immediately.
This is a real photo of registered mobile driver’s license.
In this way, I tried to proceed from self-authentication, issuance of official certificates, and registration of mobile driver’s licenses conveniently with a mobile phone.

It’s really not that hard to do!?

I hope I can be of any help.

Thanks for reading this long post.

Have a good day!