SK텔레콤 고객센터 및 전화번호 (skt 고객센터) SK Telecom Customer Center and Phone Number (skt customer center)

There are five different phone numbers for SK Telecom’s customer center. The most basic one is to dial 114. In this case, you can only connect to the SK Telecom customer center if you dial it from a mobile phone of that carrier. If you use a mobile phone of another carrier, you will need to dial a different number. I will explain in detail how to do this. Another thing is that the general operating hours are from 9:00 to 6:00. However, in special cases, you can also connect during those hours.

SK텔레콤 고객센터

SK텔레콤 고객센터

How to Use the SK Telecom Customer Center Phone Number Smartly

▲ This is the customer center phone number to use if you want to contact them using your mobile phone.
If you are using a mobile phone of KT or LG, you must use a phone number other than 114.

Please also be aware that depending on the number, there are cases where the call fee is free and cases where it is paid.

▲ The SK Telecom wired service customer center has a different phone number.

The operating hours are the same, 365 days a year, and consultations are only available on weekdays from 9:00 to 6:00.

For reference, consultations on call quality, roaming, loss and acquisition, internet landline phone, internet phone, and TV quality issues are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Please also be aware that only emergency specialists such as loss, acquisition, call quality, roaming, and T-map are available during lunch hours from 12:00 to 13:00.

▲ If you dial the number and contact the SK Telecom customer center, an explanation will be provided.

In urgent situations, the time it takes for the explanation to be provided can be frustrating.

If you know the content of each number in advance, you can get to the main point easily and quickly.

0 connects to a counselor, 1 for usage fees, small payments, and payment history, 2 for data refill and additional service application and cancellation, 3 for mobile phone suspension and loss, 4 for roaming, and 5 for device change subscription inquiries.

▲ SK Telecom also provides a voice guidance service that makes it easy to use the customer center.

▲ When you call the SK Telecom customer center to make an inquiry, there are times when you can’t get through?

In such cases, it is a good idea to use the phone consultation reservation service on the site.

▲ If you make a reservation, you will be contacted by an SK Telecom counselor.

Simply enter the type, area of ​​use, reservation time, and contact number.

So far, I have told you how to contact the customer center using multiple numbers.

In the case of the reservation inquiry I told you about last time, you can set the time you want to call. It will be useful for busy people.