SRT 취소 수수료 How much is the SRT cancellation fee? Cancellation fee, cancellation time, and frequently asked questions

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Did you make a reservation for SRT and have to cancel? Or are you thinking about canceling SRT? We believe knowing the SRT cancellation fee will make your decision to cancel or not cancel a lot easier. In this post, we will summarize the contents related to SRT cancellation, such as SRT cancellation fees and cases where cancellation fees are reduced. Then check it out below!

As for the cancellation fee before departure from SRT, a minimum penalty of KRW 400 will be charged as a cancellation fee if canceled up to 1 hour before departure. If you cancel from 1 hour before the departure time, 10% of the reservation amount will be charged as a cancellation fee. Cancellation fees are fully waived if canceled up to 1 day prior to departure. Therefore, if you wish to cancel the SRT, it would be prudent to do so at least one day prior to departure.

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Cancellation fees after SRT departure, which is after train time, are 15% up to 20 minutes after departure, 40% up to 60 minutes after departure, and 70% of the fare from 60 minutes after departure until the arrival time. SRT tickets cannot be refunded or canceled after the arrival time. If you need a refund after the departure time of the train, you can save cancellation fees by processing the refund as soon as possible.

For reference, cancellations after departure from SRT can only be refunded at the station counter. However, tickets purchased through the SRT app can be refunded through the SRT app up to 10 minutes after the train departs. Please note that refunds can only be made at the station window if more than 10 minutes have elapsed since the departure of the train!

SRT cancellation fees may be reduced or waived. If you’d like to minimize your cancellation fee payment, check if you qualify for a reduced SRT cancellation fee below.

Things to keep in mind when canceling SRT are as follows.

In case of cancellation of SRT ticket, cancellation is processed on the same day in most cases except for partial cancellation. After the cancellation, the refund to the payment method takes about 5 to 10 days.

If the train is delayed for more than 20 minutes due to reasons attributable to SRT, excluding natural disasters, the amount set forth in the Consumer Dispute Resolution Standards can be compensated. You can receive compensation from a minimum of 12.5% ​​to a maximum of 50% of the fare.

Compensation procedures for delayed SRT trains are automatically processed in accordance with the compensation amount in the case of a reservation made by credit/debit card, simple payment, or account transfer, and it takes about 3 to 5 days. If you made a reservation in cash at the station window, you can apply for a refund for the delay in account transfer on the SRT website within one year from the date of delay, or visit the counter at the SRT station to receive a refund.

yes. SRT tickets can be refunded if you get off before the arrival station. Excluding the fare for the section used, the remaining amount minus the penalty after departure for the section not used will be refunded.

If the ticket is lost, it cannot be canceled or refunded. However, if it is confirmed that the ticket was purchased with the member number and credit card, etc., a refund can be made through the procedure below.
However, the above method is not refundable if the lost ticket is changed or refunded through the SRT app, or if a reissued ticket is refunded or if you get off before the arrival station.
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