알뜰교통카드 등록 방법 How to register for affordable transportation card Samsung Pay and 3 precautions!

알뜰교통카드 등록 방법Have you ever thought that it would be great if Samsung Pay also became a budget transportation card? It was very inconvenient for me to carry around the low-cost transportation card behind the cell phone case. Since April of this year, it has become possible to register the low-cost transportation card using Samsung … Read more

알뜰교통카드 등록 방법 Apply for a cheap transportation card Mobile registration How to use Shortcut

알뜰교통카드 등록 방법Issue information Let’s explore how to apply for a thrifty transportation card and how to use mobile registration. If you read this, you will understand how to apply for a cheap transportation card and how to use mobile registration. All those who need knowledge about how to apply for a cheap transportation card … Read more