하이패스 단말기 구입처 High-pass terminal purchase and registration is easy!

하이패스 단말기 구입처Hi-Pass is an electronic system designed to pay tolls using infrared or radio waves. Due to the development of the Hi-Pass, it is not only convenient but also saves a lot of time when using the highway. Hi-pass terminals are usually purchased online. There are various types of products ranging from cheap products … Read more

하이패스 단말기 구입처 Where to buy Hi-Pass terminal / How to get support

We will share where to purchase Hi-Pass terminal and how to receive support. When using the toll gate on the highway, it is convenient to use the Hi-Pass. Hi-Pass refers to a system that automatically pays tolls after installing a terminal with a Hi-Pass card in a vehicle. The Korea Expressway Corporation also offers a … Read more