간헐적 단식 커피 May I drink coffee during intermittent fasting?

Have you started intermittent fasting? Confused about the drinks you can drink during fasting? From water to coffee to zero-calorie drinks, this is everything about your drink intake during intermittent fasting. 간헐적 단식 커피 a person who drinks water Intermittent fasting is one of the popular ways to lose weight and improve health all over … Read more

간헐적 단식 커피 Can I drink coffee during intermittent fasting?

간헐적 단식 커피During intermittent fasting, you can consume low- or zero-calorie beverages (Zero Coke, Zero Sprite, etc.) as they will not break your fast. You can drink black coffee (Americano) during intermittent fasting. A cup of Americano (approximately 240 mL) has about 5 calories. Additionally, a cup of Americano contains very small amounts of minerals, … Read more