교직원공제회 Korean Teachers’ Credit Union (KTCU) – Encyclopedia of Korean Culture

교직원공제회Lim Young-shin (任永信) was inaugurated as the first chairman of the board, and immediately after its founding, it merged with the Korea Federation of Education Mutual Aid Association and the Korea Secondary School Teachers’ Credit Union, becoming the only legal mutual aid organization in the teachers’ association.
As the law on which it was established was revised and promulgated as the “Korea Teachers’ Credit Union Act” (Law No. 7070), the name was changed to the Korea Teachers’ Credit Union Association in January 2004.
The main businesses are, in accordance with the law and articles of incorporation, ① benefit business (long-term savings benefit, installment benefit, retirement living benefit, comprehensive welfare benefit), ② lending business (living fund rental, health and disaster recovery fund loan), ③ welfare benefit business (various types of welfare benefits) (subsidy payment, partnership discount service, etc.), ④ fund raising business (financial investment, alternative investment, etc.), ⑤ profit-making business to achieve the purpose, etc.
Investment companies include The-K Hotel & Resort, The_K Jeju Hotel, The_K Savings Bank, The_K Teacher Nara, The_K Sophia Green, The_K Third Age, and The_K Yedaham Sangjo. Hotels currently in operation include Ramada Plaza Jeju Hotel, There are The_K Hotel Seoul, The_K Hotel Gyeongju, The_K Seoraksan Family Hotel, and The_K Jirisan Family Hotel.
Rental buildings include The-K Tower in Yeouido, Seoul, as well as Busan, Daegu, Incheon, Daejeon, Gwangju, Chungbuk, Jeonbuk, Gyeongnam, and Gangwon Hall. The organization and operation are managed by 82 national representatives representing members and 7 steering committee members who supervise policy establishment and operation and exercise voting rights.
The executive body consists of a headquarters organization with a chairman, a standing auditor, three directors, 5 offices, 10 departments, and 37 teams, 5 regional headquarters, and 18 provincial and provincial branches nationwide. It publishes 『Th-K Magazine』 as an organ, and as of the end of 2019, it has 820,000 members and assets of 38.64 trillion won.
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