교통범칙금 조회 및 납부 Traffic fine inquiry and payment

Check common sense traffic laws and recent crackdown details
Obeying traffic laws and driving safely when driving a car can reduce risks to the driver, other drivers, and pedestrians.

교통범칙금 조회

교통범칙금 조회

If you violate traffic laws or cause an accident, you may be subject to traffic law demerit points, fines, and sometimes even criminal charges.


Would it have been cracked down if you violated the rules, exceeded the speed limit, or ran a red light while driving? I’m also curious.


In this case, let’s learn how to check for traffic law violations.


How to check recent traffic violation history, fines, fines, and demerit points
View penalty points for recent traffic violations

1. Violation of traffic laws
Traffic violation refers to an act that violates road traffic laws.


It can be said to be an act that violates all types of traffic laws, such as drunk driving, speeding, and unlicensed driving.


In particular, among the above violations, drunk driving has the highest penalty points.


If your blood alcohol content is 0.05% or more but less than 0.1, you will receive 100 penalty points.


2. Penalty points for violating traffic laws
The most common traffic violation is overtaking.


15 penalty points will be imposed for violation of the overtaking restrictions.


Additionally, using a cell phone while driving is subject to 15 penalty points.


If you violate traffic laws and there is an accident, this should not be the case, but you will also be subject to penalty points.


90 penalty points are assessed for each death. A penalty of 15 points is imposed for each serious injury and 5 points for each minor injury.


If you fail to provide relief after a traffic accident, you will be penalized 60 penalty points. If you run away after causing material damage, or if you voluntarily report within 48 hours of the reporting deadline, you will also be penalized 60 penalty points.


Item penalty points
Drunk driving (blood alcohol concentration 0.05% or more but less than 0.1%) 100 points
Failure to take action for parking violation (3 or more times) 40 points
40 points for driving while causing disturbance in the car by a passenger
15 points for violating the prohibition period and location of overtaking.
15 points for using a cell phone while driving
Bus lane violation 10 points
Failure to protect pedestrians (violation of stop line) 10 points
Violation of speed limit (exceeding 60 km/h) 60 points
Violation of speed limit (less than 60 km/h) 30 points
Violation of speed limit (less than 40km/h) 15 points

Please note that if your cumulative penalty points exceed 40, your driver’s license may be suspended.


Additionally, if your driver’s license accumulated demerit points are more than 121 points in one year, your driver’s license will be revoked, so it is essential to manage your demerit points.


Please note that if you score more than 201 points in two years or more than 271 points in three years, your driver’s license will be revoked.


However, if the penalty points received are less than 40, the penalty points will be canceled if there are no violations or no accidents for one year from the date of the last violation or accident.

3. Fines and fines
(Fines) Fines are levied when someone is caught in a crackdown using unmanned cameras or enforcement equipment on the road.


(Fines) A fine is a type of fine that is caught on the spot by a traffic police officer and imposed on the driver, not the vehicle owner.


Therefore, a fine is not a criminal act, but a fine is recognized as a criminal act and is imposed.


(Fine) When a fine is violated, a certain amount of money is imposed after a trial for the act. This is a criminal punishment and will remain on the criminal record.


4. Check recent enforcement history penalty points
You can check traffic law violations through Traffic Civil Service 24 on the Internet.


When logging into the National Police Agency’s Traffic Civil Service 24, a public certificate or Digital One Pass is required.


National Police Agency Traffic Civil Complaint 24 Traffic fines and fines, Check penalty points
National Police Agency traffic complaint 24

After logging in, click “Traffic Fines/Fines” on the top menu. Click on Non-Payment Inquiry and click <Recent Unmanned Enforcement Details>.


You can check data on speeding or traffic violations using unmanned enforcement equipment or camcorder equipment.


You can check the date and time of violation, location of violation, vehicle number, conversion of fine, jurisdiction, and details of violation. When you click on the violation location, detailed information will appear so you can check it.


The time it takes to search is usually a few days, or up to two weeks at the most, so even if it is not confirmed during the inquiry, please check again after the period has passed.



You can check your driver’s license penalty points by clicking 「Driver’s License·Investigation Reservation」 and clicking <Driver’s License Penalty Points Inquiry>.


So far, we have learned about checking the latest traffic violation records and driver’s license penalty points.