구글 드라이브 사용방법 [Google] How to use Windows Google Drive :: Leirbag

구글 드라이브 사용방법Back up files on your computer in real time with Google Drive
Did you know you can sync across multiple computers?
You can designate a specific folder and link it to the Google Drive server in real time.
You can also sync across multiple computers linked to that account.

I am currently using 2 computers.
I use a desktop at home and a laptop outside.
What do you do when you want to work on a laptop while working on a desktop?
If you use it by transferring it to USB,
If you used the cumbersome method of uploading it to a cloud server and downloading it to another computer, that would be great information.
This is because Google will always update the specific folder to the latest when you use this method.
Download – Google Drive
Access and sync your content from any device.
Connect with the link above

Under Personal use, click Download.

Click Agree and Download and install.
Install it in the lower right corner

A button like this will appear.
Please press

Click Get Started.

please log in

Unlock everything and click next

click OK

Click Sync only this folder
Folders in Google Drive will appear.
Select the folder you want to link from here and click Start.
And you need to set the location of the folder on your computer where the backup files will be stored.

If you press the start button

In this way, in the folder of the Google Drive selected earlier
It automatically copies folders and files and saves them in the previously set path.

When you go into the Windows folder, you will always see the sync progress like this.
After synchronization is complete

Because it is synchronizing with Google servers in real time
If a file change is detected in Windows or a file change is detected in Google Drive
They update each other interactively.
If you edit and save the Hangul document in that folder
It immediately transfers the file to Google Drive and updates it.
If you apply the above method to other computers,
Modifying or adding files on one computer
as well as google drive
The change will be applied to other computers as well!
Because it is updating by specifying a specific folder
If you put it as a project in Eclipse or IntelliJ,
You can also use it as a GitHub replacement!
(Updating between different accounts is possible when using shared folders and adding shortcuts appropriately)
Even if you accidentally lose the file
Because Google Drive manages the version, you can also recover it.

This was how to use Google Drive Windows.

구글 드라이브 사용방법
