국민내일배움카드 신청 및 자격, 사용처 정리 Summary of National Tomorrow Learning Card application, qualifications, and usage

National Tomorrow Learning Card, how to apply and issue for workers (employed people)
When I want to develop my capabilities, I often use academies or video lectures. However, the cost was higher than expected and I was like, ‘Wow!’ There are times when I do it.😱

국민내일배움카드 신청

국민내일배움카드 신청

The ‘National Tomorrow Learning Card’ can be used in such cases. It is a card that allows you to perform various training necessary for competency development.

But isn’t this card only for job seekers? That’s not true. Employees at a company can also use this card as long as they meet the application conditions. Let’s find out together?💁🏻‍♂️





💳National Tomorrow Learning Card…What kind of card is it?

The National Tomorrow Learning Card is a card that allows you to receive training necessary for employment, job change, and competency development. It is of great help to job seekers, job seekers, office workers, and those preparing for a new life after retirement.

But unfortunately, not everyone can receive support. There are some exclusions from support. Please note the following.


👉 Who is excluded from National Tomorrow Learning Card support?
Current public officials, private school faculty and staff, people over 75 years of age, college students with more than 2 years remaining until graduation, self-employed people with annual sales of KRW 150 million or more, special workers with monthly wages of KRW 3 million or more, monthly wages of KRW 3 million. Employees of large corporations who earn more than KRW 100 and are under 45 years of age, etc.


👉 What is the support amount for the National Tomorrow Learning Card?
So, are you wondering how much support you can receive? The basic amount is 3 million won, and you can receive support of up to 5 million won.💰

The advantage is that 45-85% of training costs within the scope of support are government-funded. If you want to reduce your out-of-pocket expenses, be sure to use it.


👉 There is even a training incentive?
In addition, training incentives are provided to ensure smooth participation in training! If you have an attendance rate of 80% or more during the training period and meet one of the requirements below, you can receive a training incentive of up to 116,000 won per month.

1️⃣ Unemployed people taking training courses for more than 140 hours, insured people working less than 15 hours a week, recipients of work incentives, etc.

2️⃣ People participating in the National Employment Support System Type I and those in the low-income group (including certain classes) among the National Employment Support System Type II

3️⃣ Self-employed insured (up to 360,000 won per month)





💼Tomorrow’s learning card for current employees!

As I mentioned earlier, employed people can also use the Tomorrow Learning Card. This is the ‘Employee Tomorrow Learning Card’.

It is easier and simpler to issue than the Job Seeker Tomorrow Learning Card.🖱️ At this point, there is no reason not to apply. First, let’s look at the qualifications together. If any of the conditions below apply, you can apply, so please check right away.


👉 What are the qualifications for the Tomorrow Learning Card for employed employees?
Fixed-term, dispatched, part-time, daily workers enrolled in employment insurance, workers over 45 years old (large companies), people scheduled to change jobs, people without training history for 3 years, unpaid leave, business suspension, workers at companies eligible for priority support, people on childcare leave, work-study combination Training participants, self-employed people, etc.


👉 How much is the Tomorrow Learning Card support for employed employees?
Support is available up to a limit of 2 million won. However, the amount you have to pay is different for each course, so you need to check when applying for the course!🔎 Please check the information below.


Training Category Support Amount Details
60-100% of the government subsidy of the general course (group training) tuition fee for food and other service occupations
60% support
60% of government subsidy for foreign language course tuition
Full-time employee: KRW 45,000/20 hours

Non-regular workers: KRW 54,000/20 hours (supported only up to 60% of the tuition fee)

*It cannot exceed the amount notified by the Minister of Employment and Labor.

100% of government subsidy for distance training course fees
However, 50% support is provided for foreign language courses.

*It cannot exceed the amount notified by the Minister of Employment and Labor.




👉 How do employed employees apply for the Tomorrow Learning Card?
The application method is simple. However, there are a few ⚠️ precautions, so just pay attention to those!

STEP1. Apply online or offline

You can apply both online and offline. First, log in to the HRD-Net site and apply online from the worker card application menu in [My Service] – [Administrative Service].👨🏻‍💻

For offline applications, please visit a nearby employment center and apply with the necessary documents, such as an employment contract, application form, and ID card.

STEP2. Receive a tomorrow learning card for workers

It takes about 2 weeks in total to receive the card after applying for issuance.🗓️ If you have any questions about the issuance process, please contact the employment center you are applying for.

STEP3. Search for training courses and apply for classes

You can search for training courses on the HRD-Net website. Please carefully review the training procedures and training costs before applying for the course.

At this time, I will tell you additional things to keep in mind. The point is that the Tomorrow Learning Card must be used within 3 months from the date of issuance. If not, a penalty will be incurred. The first penalty is 200,000 won deducted from the support amount, and the second penalty is 300,000 won deducted from the support amount.📉

So, it’s better to decide in advance what kind of training you want to take. If you don’t check properly, your schedule gets messed up and you don’t get to attend the training.

STEP4. Take a training course

Once you have chosen your training course, you can now pay. After going through several processes, when you reach the final stage, your out-of-pocket amount will appear on the screen. Just pay this fee and you’re done!😊




They say there is no end to learning.📝 People who constantly develop their capabilities while living in society. I hope that those who need self-development to get a job or change jobs will also make good use of the Tomorrow Learning Card.